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TANKO LIGHTING AGR# TBD <br />e. Contractual Liability <br />REVIEWED BY: ;It. <br />"Personal injury" or "advertising injury" for <br />which the insured is obligated to pay <br />damages by reason of the assumption of <br />liability in a contract or agreement. This <br />exclusion does not apply to: <br />(1) Liability for damages that the insured <br />would have in the absence of the <br />contract or agreement; or <br />(2) Liability for damages because of <br />"personal injury" assumed in a con- <br />tract or agreement that is an "insured <br />contract", provided that the "personal <br />injury" is caused by an offense com- <br />mitted subsequent to the execution of <br />the contract or agreement. Solely for <br />the purposes of liability assumed in <br />an "insured contract", reasonable at- <br />torneys fees and necessary litigation <br />expenses incurred by or for a party <br />other than an insured will be deemed <br />to be damages because of "personal <br />injury", provided that; <br />(a) Liability to such party for, or for <br />the cost of, that party's defense <br />has also been assumed in the <br />same "insured contract"; and <br />(b) Such attorney fees and litigation <br />expenses are for defense of that <br />party against civil or alternative <br />dispute resolution proceeding in <br />which damages to which this in- <br />surance applies are alleged. <br />2. The following replaces the third sentence of <br />Paragraph 2. of SUPPLEMENTARY PAY- <br />MENTS — COVERAGES A AND B: <br />Notwithstanding the provisions of Paragraph <br />2.b.(2) of Section I — Coverage A — Bodily In- <br />jury And Property Damage Liability or Para- <br />graph 2.e. of Section I Coverage B — Per- <br />sonal and Advertising Injury Liability, such <br />payments will not be deemed to be damages <br />because of "bodily injury", "property damage" <br />or "personal injury", and will not reduce the <br />limits of insurance. <br />3. The following replaces Paragraph 2.d. of <br />SUPPLEMENTARY PAYMENTS — COVER - <br />EUNICE HEREDIA (PG 13 OF 17) <br />COMMERCIAL GENERAL LIABILITY <br />the insured and the interests of the in- <br />demnitee; <br />4. The following replaces the first subparagraph <br />of Paragraph f. of the definition of "insured <br />contract" in the DEFINITIONS Section: <br />f. That part of any other contract or agree- <br />ment pertaining to your business (includ- <br />ing an indemnification of a municipality in <br />connection with work performed for a <br />municipality) under which you assume the <br />tort liability of another party to pay for <br />"bodily injury," "property damage" of "per- <br />sonal injury" to a third person or organiza- <br />tion. Tort liability means a liability that <br />would be imposed by law in the absence <br />of any contract or agreement. <br />AMENDED BODILY INJURY DEFINITION <br />The following replaces the definition of "bodily in- <br />jury" in the DEFINITIONS Section: <br />"Bodily injury" means bodily injury, mental an- <br />guish, mental injury, shock, fright, disability, hu- <br />miliation, sickness or disease sustained by a per- <br />son, including death resulting from any of these at <br />anytime. <br />J. BODILY INJURY TO CO -EMPLOYEES AND <br />CO -VOLUNTEER WORKERS <br />The following is added to Paragraph 2.a.(1) of <br />SECTION 11— WHO IS AN INSURED: <br />Paragraph (1)(a) above does not apply to "bodily <br />injury" to a co -"employee" in the course of the cc - <br />"employee's" employment by you or performing <br />duties related to the conduct of your business, or <br />to "bodily injury" to your other "volunteer workers" <br />while performing duties related to the conduct of <br />your business. <br />K. AIRCRAFT CHARTERED WITH CREW <br />The following is added to Exclusion g., Aircraft, <br />Auto Or Watercraft, in Paragraph 2. of SECTION <br />I — COVERAGES — COVERAGE A BODILY IN- <br />JURY AND PROPERTY DAMAGE LIABILITY: <br />This exclusion does not apply to an aircraft that <br />is: <br />(a) Chartered with crew to any insured; <br />(b) Not owned by any insured; and <br />(c) Not being used to carry any person or prop- <br />erty for a charge. <br />L. NON -OWNED WATERCRAFT <br />AGES A AND B: <br />1. The following replaces Paragraph (2) of Ex - <br />d. The allegations in the "suit" and the in- clusion g., Aircraft, Auto Or Watercraft, in <br />formation we know about the "occur- Paragraph 2. of SECTION I - COVERAGES <br />rence" or offense are such that no conflict — COVERAGE A BODILY INJURY AND <br />appears to exist between the interests of PROPERTY DAMAGE LIABILITY: <br />CG D4 88 07 13 Col 2013 The Travelers Indemnity Company. All rights reserved. Page 5 of 7 <br />Includes copyrighted material of Insurance Services Office, Inc. with its permission. <br />