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TANKO LIGHTING AGR# TBD REVIEWED BY: 4. <br />COMMERCIAL GENERAL LIABILITY <br />(2) A watercraft you do not own that is: <br />(a) Fifty feet long or less; and <br />(b) Not being used to carry any person or <br />property for a charge. <br />2. The following is added to Paragraph 2. of <br />SECTION II —WHO IS AN INSURED: <br />Any person or organization that, with your ex- <br />press or implied consent, either uses or is re- <br />sponsible for the use of a watercraft that you <br />do not own that is: <br />(1) Fifty feet long or less; and <br />(2) Not being used to carry any person or <br />property for a charge. <br />M. INCREASED SUPPLEMENTARY PAYMENTS <br />1. The following replaces Paragraph 1.b. of <br />SUPPLEMENTARY PAYMENTS — COVER- <br />AGES A AND B of SECTION I — COVER- <br />AGES: <br />b. Up to $2,500 for cost of bail bonds re- <br />quired because of accidents or traffic law <br />violations arising out of the use of any <br />vehicle to which the Bodily Injury Liability <br />Coverage applies. We do not have to fur- <br />nish these bonds. <br />2. The following replaces Paragraph 1.d. of <br />SUPPLEMENTARY PAYMENTS — COVER- <br />AGES A AND B of SECTION I — COVER- <br />AGES: <br />d. All reasonable expenses incurred by the <br />insured at our request to assist us in the <br />investigation or defense of the claim or <br />"suit",including actual loss of earnings up <br />to $500 a day because of time off from <br />wo rk. <br />N. MEDICAL PAYMENTS—INCREASED LIMIT <br />The following replaces Paragraph 7. of SECTION <br />III - LIMITS OF INSURANCE: <br />7. Subject to 5. above, the Medical Expense <br />Limit is the most we will pay under Coverage <br />C. for all medical expenses because of "bod- <br />ily injury" sustained by any one person, and <br />will be the higher of: <br />(a) $10,000; or <br />(b) The amount shown on the Declarations of <br />this Coverage Part for Medical Expense <br />Limit. <br />O. KNOWLEDGE AND NOTICE OF OCCUR- <br />RENCE OR OFFENSE <br />The following is added to Paragraph 2., Duties In <br />The Event of Occurrence, Offense, Claim or <br />Suit, of SECTION IV — COMMERCIAL GEN- <br />ERAL LIABILITY CONDITIONS: <br />G ` t . EUNICE HEREDIA (PG 14 OF 17) <br />e. The following provisions apply to Paragraph <br />a. above, but only for the purposes of the in- <br />surance provided under this Coverage Part to <br />you or any insured listed in Paragraph 1, or 2. <br />of Section 11 —Who Is An Insured: <br />(1) Notice to us of such "occurrence" or of- <br />fense must be given as soon as practica- <br />ble only after the 'occurrence" or offense <br />is known to you (if you are an individual), <br />any of your partners or members who is <br />an individual (if you are a partnership or <br />joint venture), any of your managers who <br />is an individual (if you are a limited liability <br />company), any of your trustees who is an <br />individual (if you are a trust), any of your <br />"executive officers" or directors (if you are <br />an organization other than a partnership, <br />J oint venture, limited liability company or <br />trust) or any "employee" authorized by <br />you to give notice of an "occurrence" or <br />offense. <br />(2) If you are a partnership, joint venture, lim- <br />ited liability company or trust, and none of <br />your partners, joint venture members, <br />managers or trustees are individuals, no- <br />tice to us of such "occurrence" or offense <br />must be; given as soon as practicable only <br />after the "occurrence" or offense is known <br />by: <br />(a) Any individual who is: <br />(1) A partner or member of any part- <br />nership orjoint venture; <br />(ii) A manager of any limited liability <br />company; <br />(iii) A trustee of any trust; or <br />(iv) An executive officer or director of <br />any other organization; <br />that is your partner, joint venture <br />member, manager or trustee; or <br />(b) Any "employee" authorized by such <br />partnership, joint venture, limited li- <br />ability company, trustor other organi- <br />zation to give notice of an "occur- <br />rence" or offense. <br />(3) Notice to us of such "occurrence" or of- <br />fense will be deemed to be given as soon <br />as practicable if it is given in good faith as <br />soon as practicable to your workers' <br />compensation insurer. This applies only if <br />you subsequently give notice to us of the <br />"occurrence" or offense as soon as prac- <br />ticable after any of the persons described <br />in Paragraphs e.(1) or (2) above discov- <br />Page 6 of 7 © 2013 The Travelers Indemnity Company. All rights reserved, CG D4 58 07 13 <br />Includes copyrighted material of Insurance Services Office, Inc. with its permission. <br />