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Policy Number: 630-847OL003-TIL-16 <br />ororganization which may beliable hothe <br />insured because of injury or damage to <br />which this insurance may also apply, <br />d. No insured will, except at that inmunad'o own <br />cost, voluntarily make a payment, assume <br />any obligation, or incur any expense, other <br />than for first aid, without our consent. <br />3. Legal Action Against Ue <br />No person or organization has m right under this <br />Coverage Part: <br />a. To join us as m party or otherwise bring us <br />into m "aufasking for damages from on in- <br />sured; or <br />b. To sue usonthis Coverage Part unless all of <br />its terms have been fully complied with. <br />A person or organization may sue us to nacm/ar <br />on on agreed settlement or on o final judgment <br />against an insured; but we will not be liable for <br />damages that are not payable under the terms of <br />this Coverage Part or that are in excess of the <br />applicable limit of ineurmnoe. An agreed settle- <br />ment means m settlement and na|eeoe of liability <br />signed by ua, the insured and the claimant orthe <br />claimant's legal napnaeen(miiva. <br />4. Other Insurance <br />Ifother valid and collectible insurance isavailable <br />to the insured form loss we cover under Cover- <br />ages A or B of this Coverage Part, our obligations <br />ovepmAeeAorBofthieCovenagePmrt,ourob|igetiuna <br />are limited as follows: <br />a. Primary Insurance <br />The insurance is primary except when b. be- <br />low app|iee. If this insurance is primary, our <br />obligations are not affected unless any nfthe <br />other insurance iaalso primary. Then, wmwill <br />ahmua with all that other insurance by the <br />method described inn.below. <br />b Excess Insurance <br />This insurance is excess over: <br />(1) Any of the other inuunmnco, whether pri- <br />mary, excess, contingent or on any other <br />(a)That is Fire' Extended Coverage, <br />Builder's Risk, Installation Risk or <br />similar coverage for "your wmrk'; <br />(h) That is Fins insurance for premises <br />rented to you or temporarily occupied <br />by you with permission of the owner; <br />CGO0D1 10O1 0|SOP <br />COMMERCIAL GENERAL LIABILITY <br />(c) That isinsurance purchased byyou <br />to cover your liability as atenant for <br />"property damage" to premises <br />rented to you or temporarily occupied <br />by you with permission of the owner; <br />or <br />(d) If the loss arises out of the mainte- <br />nance or use of aircraft, "autos" or <br />watercraft to the extent not subject to <br />Exclusion 0. of Section | —Covorage <br />A— Bodily Injury And Property Dom - <br />age Liability. <br />(3) Any other primary insurance available to <br />you omxar|ng liability for damages arising <br />out of the premises or operations for <br />which you have been added aman addi- <br />tional insured by attachment of an en- <br />dorsement. <br />When this insurance is excess, we will have <br />no duty under Coverages Aor BUz defend <br />the insured against any "suit" if any other in- <br />surer has aduty todefend the insured against <br />that "suit". |fnoother insurer defends, we will <br />undertake to do mo, but we will be entitled to <br />the inaured'a rights against all those other in- <br />surers. <br />When this insurance is oxoeou over other in- <br />surance, we will pay only our share of the <br />amount of the loss, if any, that exceeds the <br />sum of: <br />(1) The total amount that all such other in- <br />surance would pay for the |oae in the ab- <br />sence ofthis insurance; and <br />(2) The total ofall deductible and self-insured <br />amounts under all that other insurance. <br />We will share the remaining loss, if any, with <br />any other insurance that is not described in <br />this Ex0000 Insurance provision and was not <br />bought specifically to apply in excess of the <br />Limits ofInsurance shown inthe Declarations <br />nfthis Coverage Part, <br />c. Method Of Sharing <br />If all of the other insurance permits contribu- <br />tion by equal ohenac\ we will follow this <br />method also. Under this approach each in- <br />surer contributes equal amounts until it has <br />paid its applicable limit ofinsurance or none <br />ofthe loss remains, whichever comes first. <br />If any of the other insurance does not permit <br />contribution by equal oharea, we will oon1rib- <br />