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Policy Number: 630-847OL003-TIL-16 <br />COMMERCIAL GENERAL LIABILITY <br />THUS ENDORSEMENT CHANGES THE POLICY. PLEASE READ IT CAREFULLY. <br />This endorsement modifies insurance provided under the following: <br />COMMERCIAL GENERAL LIABILITY COVERAGE PART <br />GENERAL DESCRIPTION OF COVBAGE—Thieendorsemntbmadens coverage. However, coverage for any <br />injury, damage or medical expenses described in any of the provisions of this endorsement may be excluded or <br />limited byanother endorsement tothis Coverage Part, and these coverage broadening provisions donot apply tn <br />the extent that coverage is excluded or limited by such an endorsement. The following listing is general cover- <br />age description only. Limitations and exclusions may apply to these coverages. Read all the provisions of this en- <br />dorsement and the rest of your policy carefully to determine rights, duties, and what is <br />over'agodeaoriptionon|y.Limitationeandexo|uaiunameyapp|ytotheoeoovenagem.Reada||thepmvisioneofthiaen- <br />dnneemantandthenaotnfyourpo|inyoarefu||ytodetarminerighto.duties.endwhetis and isnot covered. <br />A. Broadened Named Insured <br />S. Blanket Additional Insured —Broad Form Vendors <br />C. Damage ToPremises Rented ToYou <br />^ <br />Perils of fire. exp|osion. lightning, smoke, <br />water <br />° Limit increased toG30O000 <br />D. Blanket Waiver Of Subrogation <br />E. Blanket Additional Insured — Owner . Managers <br />OrLessors OfPremises <br />F. Blanket Additional |nmurad—Leaaom Of Leased <br />Equipment <br />G. Incidental Medical Malpractice <br />HL Parsonm||njury—AosumedByContract <br />1. Amended Bodily Injury Definition <br />PROVISIONS <br />A. BROADENED NAMED INSURED <br />1' The following isadded toSECTION U—WHO <br />IS AN INSURED: <br />Any organization, other than a partnership or <br />joint venture, over which you maintain owner- <br />ship or majority interest on the effective date <br />of the policy qualifies as a Named Insured. <br />Howevar, coverage for any such organization <br />will cease as of the date during the policy <br />hod that you no longer maintain ownership of, <br />or majority |r0eneet in, such organization, <br />IL The following replaces Paragraph 4.n. of <br />SECTION || —WHO |S AN INSURED: <br />o. Coverage under this provision ieafforded <br />only until the 180th day after you acquire <br />n[form the organization orthe end ofthe <br />policy period, whichever ieearlier, unless <br />reported inwriting touswithin 18Odays. <br />J. Bodily Injury ToCo-Employees And Co -Volunteer <br />Workers <br />H. Aircraft Chartered With Crew <br />L Non -Owned Watercraft — Increased From 25Feet <br />To 50 Feet <br />M. Increased Supplementary Payments <br />" Cost ofbail bonds increased tos2.5OD <br />" Loss ofearnings increased ho$5OOper day <br />N. Medioa|Payments-|ncreaeedLimit <br />0. Knowledge And Notice [fOccurrence OrOffense <br />P. Unintentional Omission <br />Q. Reasonable Force — Bodily Injury Or Property <br />Damage <br />B. BLANKET ADDITIONAL INSURED — BROAD <br />FORM VENDORS <br />The following is added to SECTION U —WHO IS <br />AN|NSUFKED: <br />Any person or organization that is mvendor and <br />that you have agreed in a written contract or <br />agreement to include as on additional insured on <br />this Coverage Part isaninsured, but only with re- <br />spect to liability for "bodily injury" or "property <br />damage" that: <br />m. |acaused byan"occurrenne^that takes place <br />after you have signed and executed that con- <br />tract oragreement;and <br />b. Arises out of "your products" which are dis- <br />tributed or sold in the regular course of such <br />vendor's business. <br />The insurance provided tosuch vendor iesubject <br />provisions. - <br />CG D4680713 @zomThe Travelers Indemnity Company. fu|rights resd. Page 1 of <br />