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COMMERCIAL GENERAL LIABILITY <br />a. The limits of insurance provided to such ven- <br />dor will <br />en-dorvviU be the limits which you agreed to pro- <br />vide in the written contract or agreement, or <br />the limits shown in the Declarations of this <br />Coverage Part, whichever are less. <br />b. The insurance provided to such vendor does <br />not apply to'. <br />(1)"Bodily injury" or"property damage" for <br />which the vendor is obligated to pay <br />damages by reason of the assumption of <br />liability in a contract or agreement. This <br />exclusion does not apply to liability for <br />damages that the vendor would have in <br />the absence ofthe contract oragreement; <br />(2) Any express warranty unauthorized by <br />you; <br />(3) Any physical or chemical change in "your <br />products" made intentionally by such <br />venoor, <br />(4) RepaokaAing, unless unpacked solely for <br />the purpose of inspection, demonmtration, <br />teaing, or the substitution of parts under <br />instructions from the monufaoturar, and <br />then repackaged inthe original container; <br />(5) Any failure bz make such inopections, ad- <br />]usbnents, tests or servicing as vendors <br />agree to perform or normally undertake to <br />perform inthe regular course ofbusiness, <br />in connection with the distribution or an|a <br />of"your products"; <br />(6) Demonstrmtion, inebaUatkm, servicing or <br />repairrotio <br />performed at such vendor's premises in <br />connection with the sale of "your prod - <br />(7) "Your products" which, after distribution or <br />sale by you, have been labeled or rela- <br />beled or used as a container, part or in- <br />gredient of any other thing or substance <br />by or for such vendor. <br />Coverage under this provision does not apply to: <br />o. Any person or organization from whom you <br />have acquired "your products", or anyingre- <br />dient. part orcontainer entering into, accom- <br />panying orcontaining such products; ur <br />b. Any vendor for which coverage as an addi- <br />tional insured specifically iascheduled byen- <br />dorsement. <br />JURY AND PROPERTY DAMAGELLA8|L- <br />IT./: <br />Exclusions cthrough n.donot apply todam- <br />age to premises while rented to you, o,tem- <br />porarily occupied by you with permission of <br />the owner, caused by: <br />o. Fire� <br />b. Exp|oeion� <br />c Lightning; <br />d. Bnluke resulting from such fire, exploskm, <br />orlightning; or <br />e. Water. <br />Xaeparate limit ofinsurance applies husuch <br />damage to premises as described in Para- <br />graph 6.ofSection III — Limits OfInsurance. <br />This insurance does not apply to damage to <br />premises while rented to you, or temporarily <br />occupied by you with permission of the <br />owner, caused by: <br />o. Rupture, buetinQ, or operation of pres- <br />sure relief devices; <br />. <br />b' Rupture urbursting due to expansion or <br />swelling of the contents of any building or <br />structure, caused by or resulting from vva- <br />ter� <br />. <br />u. Explosion of abeam boi|ana, steam pipea, <br />steam engines, orsteam turbines. <br />2' The following replaces Paragraph 6' of SEC- <br />TION III — LIMITS <br />EC~TIO0N—L|K8|TS OF INSURANCE: <br />Subject toS. above. the Damage To Prem- <br />ises Rented To You Limit is the most we will <br />pay under Coverage Afor damages because <br />of "property damage" to any one premises <br />while rented to you, or temporarily occupied <br />by you with permission of the mwner, caused <br />by fire; explosion', lightning smoke resulting <br />from such fire, explosion, or lightning; or wa- <br />ter. The Damage To Premises Rented To <br />You Limit will apply to all damage proximately <br />caused by the some "ocourrence", whether <br />such damage results from fine; explosion; <br />lightning; smoke resulting from such fire, ex' <br />p|oeion. or lightning; water, or any combina- <br />tion of any of these. <br />ombina'tionofanyoftheae. <br />The Damage To Premises Rented To You <br />Limit will be the higher of: <br />C. DAMAGE TO PREMISES RENTED TO YOU a. $300,000; or <br />1. The following last of b. The amount shown onthe Declarations of <br />Paragraph 2.. Exclusions, of SECTION | _ this Coverage Part for Damage To Prem - <br />COVERAGES — COVERAGE A BODILY \N- iaea Rented ToYou Limit. <br />Page 2of7 Oc2u1aThe Travelers Indemnity Company. All rights reserved. CGD4580713 <br />Includes copyrighted material ovInsurance Services Office,Inc, <br />