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COMMERCIALAUTO <br />2. The following replaces Paragraph b. in B.5.. <br />Other Insurance, of SECTION [V - BUSI- <br />NESS AUTO CONDITIONS: <br />b. For Hired Auto Physical Damage Cover- <br />age, the following are deemed to beoov- <br />ered "autos" you own: <br />(1) Any covered 'auto" you |eamo, hire, <br />rent mborrow; and <br />(2) Any covered 'auto"hired orrented by <br />your "employee" under a contract in <br />that individual 'employee's' mame. <br />with your permission, while perform- <br />ing duties related to the conduct of <br />your business. <br />However, any "auto" that is |eaaed, hirad, <br />rented or borrowed with a driver is nota <br />covered "auto". <br />D. EMPLOYEES AS INSURED <br />within such country mjurisdiction, for Liability <br />Coverage for any covered 'auto' that you <br />lease, hine, rent or borrow without a driver for <br />m period of3O days or |eao and that is not an <br />''auto" you |eaaa, hire, rant or borrow from <br />any ofyour ''emp|oyeee''. partners (if you are <br />a partnership), members (if you are a limited <br />liability company) or members oftheir house- <br />ho|ds. <br />(a) With respect to any claim made or "suit" <br />brought outside the United States of <br />America, the territories and possessions <br />of the United States of America, Puerto <br />Rico and Canada: <br />(i) You must arrange to defend the ''in- <br />oured''against, and investigate orset- <br />tle any such claim or "suit' and keep <br />us advised of all proceedings and ac- <br />tions. <br />The following is added to Paragraph A.1..Who Is <br />(Iii) Neither you nor any other involved <br />An Insured, of SECTION U - LIABILITY COV- <br />"insured" will make any settlement <br />ERAGE: <br />without our consent. <br />Any 'emp|oyee''ofyours iuon'imsuned'while us- <br />(iii0VVemay, atour discretion, participate <br />inQm covered "auto" you mwn, hire or borrow <br />'' <br />in defending the "insured" against, or <br />inyour business uryour personal affairs. <br />in the settlement of, any claim or <br />E. SUPPLEMENTARY PAYMENTS - INCREASED <br />^suit^ . <br />LIMITS <br />(iv)We will reimburse the "insured" for <br />1. The following nep|eo*a Paragraph A.2.o.(2) <br />sums that the ''inounad'' legally <br />nfSEC7U��N||-LU4B|LITY����VERA��E: ' <br />pay as damages because of "bodily <br />injury" or"property damage" towhich <br />(2) Up to $3.000 for cost of bail bonds (in- <br />this insurance app|ieo, that the "in- <br />cluding bonds for related traffic law viola- <br />eured" pays with our ooneent, but <br />tions) required because of an "ecuident" <br />only uptothe limit described in Para - <br />we cover. We du not have to furnish <br />graph C.. Limit Of |nnunanne, of SEC - <br />these bonds. <br />TION || - LIABILITY COVERAGE. <br />2' The following replaces Paragraph A.2.a.(4) <br />(v) We will reimburse the ''ineured" for <br />ofSECTION ||- LIABILITY COVERAGE: <br />the reasonable expenses incurred <br />(4) All reasonable expenses incurred by the <br />with t for i edi <br />our conman r ymur nvu Qa' <br />"ineuved" at our requeot, including actual <br />tion of such claims and your defense <br />loss of earnings up to $500 a day be- <br />of the ''inounad" against any such <br />cause oftime off from work. <br />''suit'", but only up to and included <br />F. HIRED AUTO - LIMITED WORLDWIDE �}l� <br />within the limit described in Pmna' <br />ERAGE-|NDEKN|TY BASIS <br />graph C.' Limit Of Insurance, of <br />SECTION || - LIABILITY COVER - <br />The following replaces Subparagraph (S)inPara- <br />AGE, and not inaddition tosuch limit. <br />graph B'7.. Policy Period, Coverage Tarritory, <br />Our duty to make such payments <br />of SECTION |V - BUSINESS AUTO CONDI- <br />ends when we have used up the op - <br />TIONS: <br />p|icab|o limit of insurance in pay' <br />pay- <br />6) <br />(6) Anywhere inthe vvor|d' except any country or <br />me�n for damagem, settlements or <br />jurisdiction while any trade aanction, em' <br />defense expenses. <br />barQo, or similar regulation imposed by the <br />(b) This insurance is excess over any valid <br />United States of America epp||ao to and pro- <br />and collectible other insurance available <br />hibiha the transaction of business with or <br />Page 2of4 Oc-zn1nThe Travelers <br />Indemnity Company C4 T3 53¢212 <br />Includes copyrighted material of Insurance <br />Services Office, | ux its | i <br />