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to the "insured" whether primary, excess <br />contingent oronany other basis. <br />(c) This insurance is nota substitute fonre- <br />quired or compulsory insurance in any <br />country outside the United States, its ter- <br />ritories and <br />er-ritorieeend possessions, Puerto Rico and <br />Canada. <br />You agree to maintain all required or <br />compulsory insurance in any such coun- <br />try up to the minimum limits required by <br />local law. Your failure to comply with <br />compulsory insurance requirements will <br />not invalidate the coverage afforded by <br />this policy, but wewill only be liable to the <br />same extent we would have been liable <br />had you complied withthe compulsory in- <br />surance requirements. <br />(d) It isunderstood that weare not mnadmit- <br />ted or authorized insurer outside the <br />United States of Amerioa, its territories <br />and pooeeeo|ona. Puerto Rico and Can- <br />ada. We assume no responsibility for the <br />furnishing ofcertificates ofinsurance, or <br />for compliance in any way with the |mwo <br />ofother countries relating to insurance. <br />G. WAIVER OFDEDUCTIBLE —GLASS <br />The following is added to Paragraph D.. De- <br />ductible, of SECTION III — PHYSICAL <br />e-duutib|a.ofSEC7IONU|—PHYS|CAL DAMAGE <br />COVERAGE: <br />No deductible for a covered ''auto" will apply to <br />glass damage if the glass is repaired rather than <br />replaced. <br />H. HIRED AUTO PHYSICAL DAMAGE — LOSS OF <br />USE — INCREASED LIMIT <br />The following replaces the last sentence ofPara- <br />graph A'4.b~ Loss Of Use Expenses. of SEC- <br />TION |U —PHYS|CAL DAMAGE COVERAGE: <br />However, the most we will pay for any expenses <br />for loss ofuse is $65 per day, to maximum of <br />$75Dfor any one "aooident' <br />|. PHYSICAL DAMAGE — TRANSPORTATION <br />EXPENSES—|NCREASEO L|K8iT <br />The following replaces the first sentence in Para- <br />graph A'4.e.. Transportation Expenses. of <br />SECTION U{ — PHYSICAL DAMAGE COVERA- <br />GE: <br />We will pay up to $50 per day toa maximum of <br />$1.5OOfor temporary transportation expense in- <br />curred by you because of the total theft of e cov- <br />ered "auto" of the private passenger type. <br />ov'ered''auto''ofthaprivatepaeaangertype. <br />COMMERCIAL AUTO <br />J. PERSONAL EFFECTS <br />The following isadded to Paragraph AA., Cover- <br />age <br />mvepage Extensions, of SECTION U| — PHYSICAL <br />DAMAGE COVERAGE: <br />Personal Effects <br />We will pay upto$4OOfor '1oss'towearing ap- <br />parel and other personal effects which are: <br />(1) Owned byan^'insured";and <br />(2) |noronyour covered "auto" <br />This coverage applies only in the event ofmtotal <br />theft cfyour covered "auto" <br />No deductibles apply to this Hanaono| Effects <br />coverage. <br />K. AIRBAGS <br />The following isadded toParagraph B.3..Exclu- <br />sions. of SECTION |N —PHYSICAL DAMAGE <br />COVERAGE: <br />Exclusion 3.a. does not apply to "loss" to one or <br />more airbags in covered 'buto''you own that in- <br />flate due to a cause other than a cause of "loss" <br />set forth in Paragraphs A.1.b. and A.1.c., but <br />only: <br />m. If that 'auto' is a covered 'auto" for Compre- <br />hensive Coverage under this policy; <br />nmpre'henakveCoverageunderthispo|icy; <br />b. The airbags are not covered under any wap <br />nanty; and <br />o. The airbags were not intentionally inflated. <br />We will pay up to a maximum of$1.00O for any <br />L NOTICE AND KNOWLEDGE 0FACCIDENT OR <br />LOSS <br />The following is added to Paragraph &�.u.. of <br />SECT|ON|V—BWSINESS AUTO CONDITIONS: <br />Your duty to give us orOur authorized representa- <br />tive prompt notice of the "occident" or "loss" ap- <br />plies only when the "accident" or"|oua"ie known <br />to: <br />(a) You (if you are anindividuaU; <br />(b) A partner (if you are a partnership); <br />(c) A member (if you are m limited liability com- <br />Pa ny); <br />(d) An executive officer, director or insurance <br />manager (if you are acorporation orother or- <br />ganization); or <br />(e)Any 'enlpoyee"authorized byyou togive no- <br />tice <br />CAl3 53 0212 C)zmoThe Travelers Indemnity Company Page 3of4 <br />