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volume of current traffic that has increased through the years, and safety in general. <br />He recommended not simply focusing on property owner rights, but also extend <br />sensitivity to the many neighborhood tenants. <br />Madeleine Spencer noted that residents did not really believe that the project would <br />actually occur; expressed resident and property owner apprehension due to issues <br />concerning fair market values; and ensuring there is dialogue with the community so <br />that residents and property owners can be part of the process. <br />5. PRESENTATION: DROUGHT WATER RATE SURCHARGE <br />Water Resources Manager Nabil Saba provided a summary of the city's drought <br />water rate surcharge and he reviewed available options. Option 1 would be a <br />surcharge of approximately $2.40, for an average residential water bill of <br />approximately $58.20; and, the addition of $1.88 to recover the penalty if the <br />reduction is not met; he also estimates loss of revenue in the amount of $4.4 million. <br />Option 2 is recommended by staff and would add a surcharge of $7.37 to customers <br />exceeding the allocation, with an average residential bill of approximately $63.17 per <br />month; and the addition of $1.88 to water use to recover the penalty. Option 3 would <br />recover revenue loss through adding a fixed surcharge of $11.16 on all water users <br />which would increase the monthly bill to an average of approximately $66.96 per <br />month; and the addition of $1.88 to recover the penalty. <br />Councilmember Martinez stated a preference for Option 2, and residents that exceed <br />allowed usage would need to pay accordingly. Mayor Pro Tem Sarmiento stated <br />that it appears that Option 2 would probably be preferred as the most viable option, <br />without the addition of costs for the recovery penalty at this time. Mr. Mousavipour <br />advised that penalties for violations of the Executive Order are uncertain, so the <br />option to assess the surcharge of $1.88 to residents is not being taken at this time; <br />he also added that exemptions are available to some businesses and residents with <br />special disabilities and circumstances; and added that Santa Ana is one of the first <br />cities to study and implement the Executive Order. Councilmember Martinez <br />emphasized that the City is also a water customer and should also be providing <br />records to demonstrate water reductions. <br />COMMITTEE MEMBER COMMENTS - None <br />FUTURE AGENDA ITEMS <br />• Streetcar Project Update <br />• Sewer Lines Ownership Ordinance Amendment <br />ADJOURNED — 7:20 P.M. <br />Lorr7J Ortiz <br />Recording Secretary <br />Public Works Agency <br />Development & Transportation Council Committee Minutes 5 June 25, 2015 <br />