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health counselors, family counselors, support group and self- esteem <br />workshops. <br />F. The OCLF commits to make itself available to youth at any time during the <br />follow up period. We also welcome the opportunity to continue a working <br />relationship after program has ended. <br />15. WIOA Performance Indicators <br />Performance indicators are as follows: <br />1. 40% (4 participants) will be in education, training or unsubsidized <br />employment during the 2nd quarter after exit. It is our goal to place 40% of <br />our participants in a 4 year higher education program. <br />2. 40% (4 participants) will be in education, training or unsubsidized <br />employment during the 4th quarter after exit. It is our goal to place 40% of <br />our participants in a 4 year higher education program. <br />3. The OCLF will document the median earnings of participants in unsubsidized <br />employment during the 2"d quarter after exit by continuing our relationship <br />with participants and the offering of follow -up services. <br />4. 20% (2 participants) will obtain recognized postsecondary credential or <br />secondary diploma during participation or within 1 year after exit. <br />5. 80% of participants will be in education or training that leads to a recognized <br />postsecondary credential or employment and who are achieving measurable <br />skills gain. <br />6. The OCLF is committed to make sure that youth are properly trained in <br />worker safety, worker rights and entry level skills to make them effective in <br />serving employers. <br />16. Prior Outcomes <br />17. _Fiscal Competency <br />D. The OCLF has a bookkeeper who will manage fiscal data. <br />E. See Attachment I <br />F. To ensure fiscal accountability, appropriate expenditures and planned cost, all <br />expenditures must be budgeted, proposed and approved by our executive <br />board. All checks must be signed by two signers and backup (receipts, invoices, <br />19's, W2's) MUST be provided. <br />Exhibit A 9 <br />