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12. Supportive Services <br />The OCLF will provide the following: <br />1. Childcare: Stipends will be made available to youth with young <br />children. To be eligible, youth must complete an application and be <br />enrolled in OCLF program for at least 30 days and must maintain <br />regular attendance. <br />2. Bus Pass: Passes will be made available to youth participants. To Be <br />eligible, youth must be enrolled OCLF program and must commit to <br />alternative high school /GED program. <br />3. Gas Cards: Cards will be provided to youth as needed. To be eligible, <br />youth must be enrolled in OCLF program and must possess driver's <br />license and meet insurance requirements. <br />4. Educational Needs: Participants will receive financial assistance for cost <br />of entry exams, books and /or certification. <br />5. Safety Gear: Once participant is accepted into an apprenticeship <br />program, they will receive appropriate tools and boots. <br />13. Follow -Up Services <br />A. The OCLF is committed to providing follow -up services to youth participants <br />12 months after exit. Quarterly reports will include progress, goals reached, <br />challenges and difficulties faced, and follow up with mentors. <br />B. The OCLF is committed to keep interacting with youth participants beyond the <br />proposed 12 month program. Youth will continue to have access to mentors. <br />All youth will be invited to conferences, trainings and workshops related to <br />safety at work, worker rights among others. <br />C. The OCLF is committed to the success of our youth and look forward to <br />working with our youth by using participants as future mentors. Youth will <br />continue working with their assigned mentors. Youth will be given the <br />opportunity to join the union which represents their trade to ensures job <br />security and to keep youth engaged and on track to attain their goals. <br />D. The OCLF is committed to ensuring that all youth meet the performance <br />indicators during the follow -up period. With our aggressive hands -on <br />approach, goal setting and reviewing as needed, constant one on one support, <br />guidance from mentors and field experts, we are confident that most, if not <br />all, will meet the performance indicators. <br />E. The OCLF is committed to providing follow -up services to youth participants <br />during the follow up period. Working closely with Family Resource Center and <br />the Kinship Program, all youth that has encountered challenging obstacles will <br />be referred for professional help. This includes, but not limited to, mental <br />Exhibit A 8 <br />