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Pimdltat Ridar- 90di¢ated Inlarnel Maples (VOL 1 -d) <br />CuOddmtdal to CUgrnl Cmmmumiealhms. 1015 <br />cogent PRODUCT RlDFR — <br />connundrAltans 0CMCATC:D INTERNET ACCESS <br />GLOBAL <br />Thdapmduot rider ) arsenals ilia CSA entorvd law bowaen Cwohinwr slid C wlI war ilia So, risen SpWllied therein. Unless ulllulwise defilwd herein <br />mrpimdaed or lapsed law ills dm C'SA Woo ilia anmunwmdng In this Riche In the ovmn ol'neonlsist behvoca terms, Ow I'Allawsm will be tiro mderl ofirriunly <br />Iinl ilia Order Form, S¢amul, any Addondum oemrad allow by dta liortlea; Floyd. the l'cmw; Fnslnb, tie 5[.A; and Fifty 4nd Rider <br />I Nurview and bmimw <br />Within file smaµu or dl¢ llodnaud mmmat Access Service, COGENT smxamias IP- poNwas beheom the COOt!N'I Network and awsncimml rotvorhs of as <br />Cusco llulo, as wall as Is mid firm dhe global internal salad C00fill s sanlsmxnn- Oecpwllid ayruameu6c will) oillerlan"varon <br />Snbjugl to their availabll4N, Cattmuer Irony Adolf Alto or nom opoimis o sotbalcd wild his 5epwico such as listed on 11% OMar Tom in which coin Contnma' <br />ngreem in pay die related face swelh as holtcated in old Ofilxr Form. <br />{PAdrbava.Yllnrnelrt r: COGENTwill alloaata IT addcesu gmee Freer of allies to Cusinalm an Mina (I) fled" Itawd Internet Aceasn oodsoners whose Service <br />I.naati0n is nn on not cmdor- neutm7 data Cumor Ar Cal data ¢elver will viedva an IPWV30 and Ipv611 IT as Part of each port nu[W; (2) Dolweted Imernwl <br />Access eustcarlins whose R¢NICd Lngalau is 'is 'Anoel alahlgoMnl Also bbllllAq will reeelv0 all IP0u24 and II'N61 12 as pan of WWII part nrder lad ()) <br />Dodo[ itod In use Access oushanera p1HIC1108lllg 011'11e1.SM[WAs N ' I I I floods¢ I I I IPvdl'!q A, lot IPv6 /I 12 Wi part of ea h Host mior IrCustomer dis as a b arget:11' <br />add wild 6pmae 41e0d0a. C6lnmal,r pill III I Slob lIli tali appldmalnoI to C:OGMT fat 1110 1itIher slloe01100 061111 COUlbN f'a " I P (flleedallpplra" feral. If COO FNI' <br />ApplilFes the appli¢aClnn, e'YNlolner will b¢ nxIalrod to shoo an ol'dlm' for lilt l suer IP ,lion aneP. I-A d1 [argon alloeatlow, for dive address space lidt be auldeet In <br />an odditinnal 4lomhly Poe, fur IPv6 address space will he duAof always. COGHNT ball no In amnmas (Ilia tiny aulauquent allamrtions will <br />be sotal &tmua to tiny of Oatomor'6 exfming adoeatioas. IP address alias ailrn,m60116 are we bjwt to the Alill and wild be lonninated and reelain poi Who, <br />Customer's Visileahad Internet Aeeesa Serslces with COnEy r are d wandmiied <br />CrsronWr may connect to COCIP.NT's nalwnrk seine ill k7GP N oaol (17anler Calaway Prntatol)- fneloamr will he mtlbdied to Idwcd its order <br />ends t(Gp BLSdon Foil to emoblisoull wilt C'shomil noevaasaiguirl ASN(the PI'lmar)'Ardo) (l'L %tlstnillar WiRtllt4[n e111n1L'Ul Ivik} I Innllilyle 13(iP tlo96iOlYe OVPr'fl <br />single pop Rlr LAO berap with [tic Primary ANN and Aldos rem third reams fepresrnwd by (3ltluaier Cale Secondary ASMsi. duet Ctns ordes will be rxynlmd <br />In Innvdda OGGGN'f ivhl a Loal,r of Aull.udxaliwl i "LUh "1 isnmd by the tldnl posies hnuing mgiswn:d die Secortslury ASNs In nrder Iu nedmlre auall 4crvho. <br />and all inelfav inns. floss darilm prop,fdordnit is npmaliunw, "flared to U01' aessaons em up betwWr ('OOEM'I"a network and ScenadaryA &Ns will be halndud <br />¢xohlsivsgy sagATan COiiliM'I' and Cllalnmer.'flc llel tall It PGP sussd a is baine am up between COGL-NT'slid Mier AmieA r¢prvsmnewl by( usaimsedon, nud <br />cmnihnme n ammwclual relodunshlp between COGUNT and dla sinew padaas, this olactu ion a noted by too dintmalam mladongidp o,mblished latwasn <br />COGUrof'aud Ole Cadman Each f6GP poison Willi a Se €undwry ASN will be condgumrl by dafau0 an its awn VIAN (unless olhmwim season, on an <br />individual arose basis). and tacaluc the mire IF address spncw allocation as it poll World 4m ample, Inoxtinn MOFNT will dhalyc an addhiunnl Glm @dy Pic for <br />sell ANN dxaa dkmld belnd{ng taw NinmTy, ASN, <br />S+ al • f . /Yjm Cnslonans aonn ewang to C'OGIiN'I's flowork with stoat munug (l.e., amdOP) may n•geire s ULAN (Vlnntl Lucid Area NulAork) <br />>lmmnlwl pore. C'n,lomor must phceo an erdet all has¢ a VIAN aundgtusd ro Cbalnmar'a pun, in endow Is sappluto some muhng of Cestorncr's own assigned dl <br />onevoll hand ilia Primary fin). IPCusto)ner willies to comical will Primary IPa mid IS addresses from IlAxi panics lupresmned by Campmas (ilia Sacundary <br />dPm),avcu' one ornwme VGANs ml a Abidle part, than Cusionmr will he winded to pcarlde COGSNT with n I NAIr of Andlnnanliall y'LOA") Issued by Ilia Ildrd <br />Implies loving ro discoed the Naeamh ily 1116 b) order In malivura Hell Servit ". annl all intemellon6, being during pNA lA1i11P or cllemdml,, related to slack mditng <br />fund, as she calls Andy be, VLANA) set la own wo a, COGENT', nomad and smooldroy Ism will Ile lmml,c oxchrovely, botweon MGM f And Cum onim The <br />Flat Met smtat mains is Idea as ilia ease may bo, VLANs are) boles eel up o ltwoos COG EMTand otlrcr fmtlloa rdscienuadd by Caimmr aloes not cnnslituto a <br />cuni evus'l mindalmhdp batweo l VWENT and the ether panics, ilia, inmwatirn in adds by die coin uclual rela6onshlp wanblislmd bmwaon COOHNT and il, <br />Ciep Each VLANwdll mooive the sarue Is editions apace allocalimr ws a Ion sells at the lame imadoo ( 00FNT wlli charge aA aai'lillunal hdunmiy Fee <br />for ends VLAN losmocmd, <br />f G k I , Nflllfill_1Gr6iidt In eminia Saniaa I'mmaAML G16SMI)XIl' Away Vied to appellate ulullipie 10 Digobil Elhoo m 5awiw:s in 6rlob Slrvive tsozaan into it <br />Link Aggression bwuHe (e. "LAG- bundl¢'y. Undor patch optioa. COGENI' will configure ON LAG - bundle III such away din, in calls of all ouinge ofsalaa 0,111 <br />not till) &miaea Involved In One LAC -h uvild, urinrfectud Sorvic,e in each LAOmuodls will Midland 10 Foos Auf le, Wok Agglvdation Is the aealAdeal <br />umnirindilnn afporas and is jyylGpggd5111 fmm bidlna odltdlyg C:OOEN C will ili(1luruiasla Narvia¢a imolvwi tit a l.AC +-bundle independemly room caul. other, <br />mdoi <Cuslorner clank to amdbinc diem u,I,, fl, °Nnlanled Do., ldilligg" er "Adgnogah, Ilnnl Ftilhav" options dleecmibed in evmiml2 belmw, <br />&AfroppylC: COOFNT may. in Its Rely dio nvidit nud if aeoilabie. inords l equipmwn Nor eoNaill Selviees, lite boos hall suck orl dd lnent as Mesa hl the Omer <br />Faris will ad added IQ Oasdomer's inwa sce, (IOGLINT coca tool Anilm re an(] is not responniblc fm. any specific tylm of egadpluem or Any equipment at alt, in her <br />plans, oiodobb AI Cesegoo, and sues witibi dirm will boloeg to C ialomur ugan recsilm Vusronicr will provide its ao I (,Clmdcal sulamai in insttdl, maintain, and <br />iutednna equipmom. C00briT will nnl sands a @site as.insoal support Cuatonmr will no mwipundblc Nun' nppliutblc mpinsmlud Coale f tla, c(punrl ell[ is <br />sal.jecr to Ally danlapo, e0umharirell altarltl ,n ✓nwltlpmdlularepair. aluoaml veal, misuse, inylleu, al aaaidem. Impale) olmailaatoa. 0. udror arty caused by <br />0tnam6r, its cngdoyeos, comYnatars,or mry otlmr peruea. Stroh solids or dnaeliun nuay void any manafeoaurer am wailaw Cusmnter furiser adrces to mdonmdy, <br />aml hold lmAnless CMENT for day (lard parry chain hosed on ('usm ser'm mmnuhoriexyl star atlna of Imoddiumismi ar the equipment- COGD91 ill all <br />mapoil lble far Stmies dlamplpan cAw ell Illy Any md"Wet by Cusmmur ill roloaew ciladul ill <br />Page I ofd <br />Cagan Cnnuuaudcaduus vvwu yklalL9,vuAr <br />Sae Dole. Kist of woo xit, f full annhwl dculils. <br />