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ih+sduatithiar— Bedfwted inonrat 0gooss iFnd ! -S) <br />Culifidhmial Se CogmR Cortnnnninntf ors. 2015 <br />art edb^r pelt COGUNT's Installit guarantee is st kdIr !gaited to die mi sellut€on g orentee sated in tiro SLA, However, Quararer any Mitsui €m the <br />Ordia Free ring %pbdi4:d tiolivorj" for lds Borvin. COMINT will use aowmarGlMdy re "gonfhlo tffadil to naefammauntb (:r16tU(Ylel "N AtlGUCECi provided, howdy n <br />that GOQEN'T does tint gusroatee ilia( any almli soloist will Is fulfilled (Bail any snob gtmren sin given lithos orally or in wri&g are, hereby disalahnad) nor <br />dui CQUENT gnartlntee that the Survlim will bin dolivewd on a stronger date, Arch as dig lbrobn uiod Serviao Date indicated on ilia ordorPonn. <br />T. Duestabla BQTI <br />Tt Cuxianer is lagolnetng COGENT's b vitafg o Service, Customer will Ilnvu a mhdmmm bgedivaiti g0minittnnnt Onigrod far a grout poll one Bnadwlddr <br />contributes or Cimmaihod ])ate Rate, `Unfirl, T'ho Do dwidlh Commitment is mgfoed upon in the Order Form will is the ndmmu nr amount of bandwiddr that <br />will be charged to Cushnum Cuba month at the saw Serous picker riven if not Billy read by Customer d'u'Hig a givar marlin GrwNmer only buret lip to dm <br />madmtmr bandwidth beat can be outled an a glven Palo o,g, 1,000 AN bar a big &Ihamol pod, snbjeat to avahub411ty of bandwidth within the 4S OrCIT <br />getwerh. <br />If Customer e%beadsthe Bnndw(dtliCorenniouont an any bmambl0 port in any given Calendar length, C"Camal r agwea to pay die teddithr gal per Mips charge Poe <br />oxoees Mrmdwidth Mango over ilia Bmtdwlddt CammBnmlt as radloatod in the Ordor from Suah arouse bandwidth alp.rgo Is oebouiarad by MUM Its be <br />dj'Uaonpe l atwaon ntial'bmidwidth usage and Bnndwithh>t;oimuttmmrb whom kraal bandwidth nsego Isdeamnli ud by centering baodwiddi til Avaspras ovary <br />5 agates tkuougtmtt. the month for each port (a. sample ill based upon his Coatings guide moss Ilia 3- minute ati m ea) mid determining the gppropriuta hammrtilo <br />PA or 951h) of ump im bosomed in ilia Order Palm. Only ono pomplo IN cafdwed tar each 3.mbftww Model, even rhougir two mmMlos am collone d . ana for <br />labelled utdirntlae AM Cho for cutbo(nd ml izaron. Thu higher Of the !we an Piet Is rmdned. Fur partial rrtontbe, the total nuntion oli mnplas for Ilia oulsolor <br />m0ndr to used; for Mngbral wham burrs is no usual, 0 in the recognized valise, Per example, in a 30-day hitting initial, 8,640 maniples mil collected (12 <br />sum thrighour at 25 houralday x 30 days) and listed from highest to lowest. In rasa of 95111 poroestlle biliog, die hilown Nor 432 tampion we disaenlud <br />(do rommu gs Igo lop S% of asnge loveh),'fho biggest xmwdaing emrn}na pail 433 ha this example) It used in datormina total bandwidth tv ado. For 90th <br />f ertnuallo biilino the Stilimat I Olor 864 $nipples ore discarded (riplaondrm trio no toy. of idiom levels). The highest emaining Senate ('ewnpla 663 al this <br />wxnmple)Is used to Meaning total to ndwidthvaogn. <br />Under die "Summed Barstfi ding"' option available inbargaumdan with With pornm110 most highs, C0013NT calculates excuse image as Out difference batwdsn <br />Elie auto of tool bandwidth usage and the awn of Rmnderldth Cortmgrmonl amoas all smormidfams. For example, If 3amma l Limit Dibtng is oppliad over that <br />ports with a Batrdwrdth rAmmifinent Of 240 N14N on enure (I V., a Intel lhoubvkaa 4;ommltoll of 600 bgried gild the iwltaddvul Roth pariondgo total bandwidth <br />Mingonmaunts wore 70Ivfapa, 150 Maria and 500 Millis, the unites bandwidth unige, world be L20 Mbps (70+ I Ill +500, lfm) <br />Under the "Aggregate Better lifting" oplon ovallabbv ht i arlmrodtO with 951h porcamlle mural blllbtg, ox0eu6 buggy Hill Cargo, is gnlarluWd by C002W as ilia <br />dilablvooe between t(rrel smgiogatad bggdwidtlt Image and ilia agmroed Tandwidth Commitment pumas all atarogned pm is, +Vltava total ant m n,tea bandwidth <br />usage is detsnduop Ery a &ihig imasr snmirlue 0wry 5 mfnnesx aamsa rah aggmgawd Mornn. <br />For exaorpo, €r8duw are (oree gggmn and ports, every 6 loin ils ihme <br />igirouml ga rgets and theve outbnulle aampiel me redound, ertdad Mp to one bandwidto t mlo, will. per division, and the bigger of dwiwo Wine to argued. fu <br />it 30AIC, bdiiug period, the Anal 8,640 teohwd bandwidth usage vaues'Aact the adgrallabd MAne games all pelts. These vetoes are listed ham highest to <br />Interval: The highest 5%or 432 values are distended (mptcounrhig ilia lop 5-A of sense gwolu), Tito highest remaining Was (value 433 in this axampie) Is arced to <br />maintaining total gggragntial madoefifth usage. <br />Under ball, "Sununaf Hurst filling" and "Agglutintte Ideal Bl11 rag" options, n 3ifentar Servioa is defined he the Oular Form, and ell niter 5arvicas Involved in a. <br />Sulawesi or Aggtatime tedculabun me listed, circles bmdwiddn usage (begin uaugb) eaiselated twos ilia listed poes. will bin b(detl none hnmtar inavloo annntin <br />Ilia relevant den, (;utdilomd per Maps tlimga her Canaria bandwidgl tango and tilling Cm'wney) pertaining m lite Wouir Sent" will its and for Uninalaifng <br />arm bmffiwiddwsasa faun Comex Muster Smviee and till oilier Involved Sorvloas. Far example, Ian ousnem uMoaa pons bi ilia UR, US, and Canada and <br />do"s ilia US port as. ilia Mal Ail excess bandwidth usago will be allied on ilia 'OS Involoa gn US doheN, 91 [Ile h ion Yea indicated on the US port Order font. <br />Drum biding options am ih9mpantlm_gg_1r_ut r t djrtti.s56+gkg;.ty(jmi (1 hytpdial ! UOUT:Nf will not contains Sorwieau Involved In "Swathed burst billing" at <br />"Apposgue Burst Bilhag" into 1ACri n all,, Cattle ('usamlar elems to menrtdoo ihetn noting too Dinh Aggrogndon (S,AO) Option lignobad IM motion 1, Above, <br />Eurtl arms e, €r lstomar wish" that OOGILK17 hills Bervioga part of LACi brmdlu notorious s to ilia "summed Runt Bflinb''" ur "Aggregate Durst PlAbli l <br />opens, filet Cusom irmmnt oleos those ottaes portable 6arvteos; in addition in (lie olrutigu of mal.AOpptican <br />3.iMe{ imer'.9Itrtitgs to CCementg <br />U' rdoutcr or he raprasonmiiva mast cooperate wild COMNT in ilia irradiation pmaaes, whole inolndm arcurntn granulation of an Mom Perot cmuallium <br />deiadlod dm efteam in hibernation ant other media intoner Inglaig6, and (,fill' naoonai y rxhgiool tlsesflnattmlrus lip Cjtttrrfarrmim, BOp Qaembannmire, no.) at <br />provided by COGENT. Customer or be mp9SUnaeava mend be physimaily promos at dm bola or inmmllad»n Dur[ag hoollation rm,] At 01 Often (lines, Ott <br />Cnsmmer will allow acong slid if neonaaary pnrvtdo eneed, in, c-ZGEN7" m or its tureasentativem' necuaury pammwd to porhimt Ilia installation Cad <br />mutdammana of the Service, 10 1110 designated babbling's phone olos upid or hiscommunitsliona roomm, m lea Gnowelees allnalana far Ilia mapoan of survey, <br />Installation, Operations and mdnlmwttsv of lite S6NPoC, after priormrtaigpnwnt belwa in Ihopardoa. Cuafamnr's table to oaapemfaaharl MIMMeeCOOENT gain <br />In, obhsmddus porlChilag to de, hrslmllalioa Gnarreae fi olunad In ilia S't A butahAh noteuspund lite Slervioo DOW orb €Illndatarl dare. <br />In the l'i'mn of taalmlual pvolthem rotated to Lire Sersks, Ihd Crianner will oln".a flit (IDGU I"i nr its trip oarnittlr4ea' i(ayn t era n o. free, mn oldrigd <br />tol osa to tiie dasignntad auhding's phmm elogur(e) or ledaeummmi]OaLans mom arm rho assignor prnmiaes e4nlpurant. Co plate is Aaiun to provide Qeoest, . <br />remit reliable COCIrNT from ita obligations pwtatnhtg to dwNiatwinkAea€lmb€fty part riffle SI A, <br />ado 2 0113 <br />Cogent cornnnudondmas Mira? CCpvESC4,a,ePbg <br />Sao OrdorPorm arwoh site for hill contactdatails, <br />