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Amend the Agreement with Hadronex, Inc., for <br />SmartCover Installation and Monitoring <br />February 16, 2016 <br />Page 3 <br />Fre Mousevlpour <br />Executive Director <br />Public Works Agency <br />FM:NS <br />Fiscal Year <br />Amount <br />2015 -16 <br />$175,000 <br />2016 -17 <br />$175,000 <br />2017 -18 <br />$125,000 <br />TOTAL <br />$475,000 <br />APPROVED AS TO FUNDS AND ACCOUNTS: <br />Francisco Gutierrez <br />Executive Director <br />Finance & Management Services Agency <br />Exhibits: 1. Agreement A- 2014 -212 <br />2. Map of current SmartCover® deployment <br />3. Vendor quotation dated January 6, 2016 <br />4. First amendment to agreement A- 2014 -212 <br />25G -3 <br />