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Amend the Agreement with Hadronex, Inc., for <br />SmartCover Installation and Monitoring <br />February 16, 2016 <br />Page 2 <br />monitors sooner, significantly expanding the City's sewer monitoring network coverage in <br />response to the El Nino weather pattern. The vendor has supplied a quote for immediate <br />installation of, and ongoing service for, 25 additional monitors (Exhibit 3). <br />Accelerating this implementation enhances the City's opportunity to gain additional value from its <br />investment as a result of the current El Nino weather conditions. When precipitation is extreme, <br />infiltration can significantly increase the likelihood of sanitary sewer overflows, resulting in health <br />and environmental impacts, fines, and unanticipated operational costs. The expected severe and <br />persistent precipitation caused by the El Nino weather pattern will provide the City with an ideal <br />testing opportunity for the expanded monitoring system. The City will benefit greatly from <br />accelerating monitor installation prior to the expected increases in volume carried by the sanitary <br />sewer system. These additional monitors will gather more timely and detailed information on <br />sewer performance and any high flow, blockage, or potential overflow conditions requiring staff <br />intervention. <br />In addition to reducing the likelihood of overflows, increasing the number of monitored locations <br />also demonstrates a good faith effort through proactive planning and operational deployment that <br />will minimize fines assessed to the City if an overflow occurs. This one -time increase in the <br />annual and total not -to- exceed amounts for this agreement (Exhibit 4) will enable staff to <br />accelerate purchase and installation of these monitors to meet the City's heightened need. <br />STRATEGIC PLAN ALIGNMENT <br />Approval of this item supports the City's efforts to meet Goal #6 Community Facilities & <br />Infrastructure, Objective #1 (establish and maintain a community investment plan for all City <br />assets), Strategy C (invest resources and technology to extend the service life of existing <br />infrastructure to protect the City's investment and support a high quality of life standard). <br />ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT <br />There is no environmental impact associated with this action. <br />FISCAL IMPACT <br />Funds in the amount of $175,000 are available in the FY 2015 -16 Sanitary Sewer Service <br />Contract Services- Professional Account (No. 05617640 - 62300). Subsequent funding will be <br />budgeted in FY 2016 -17 and FY 2017 -18. See below for details: <br />25G -2 <br />