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(s) Contractor; strall, all insurance squired abow infull Oro and effect for <br />the entire period covered by this Agreement. <br />(ii) Certificates of ihsuraitce shall be f irdished to the Clty upon execution of this <br />Agreement and shal l be approved in form by the City Atiortaey, <br />(iii) Cortifcatos and pglWos shall stswthat the policies shall not ba canoelod out <br />reduced in coverage or changed in any other material aspect without thirty (30)' <br />day's prior. written no, tice to the City. <br />e. If Contractor fails ox refuses to produce or maintain the insurance, required by this "section or <br />fails, or refuses to ftumish the City with roquired proof that, has been procured and is in foroe and <br />paid for; the City shalt have the right, at the City's election, to forthwith terntinate this Agreement. Such <br />ter nincitian.'shall nos, of ect Contractor's, rigk t,tcrbepaid for its tin e andmatelflhls expended peorto.. <br />notification of temnlnation, Contraetor waives tlae rtght;tir're¢etve cptnponaalionand agrees to indemnify <br />the Gity Enx: ty work perfattited.prior to approval ofinsuranoe by. the .City. <br />6^ IN0,F,14 WICATION <br />Contractor agreesto:and shall indemnify and hold harmless the City, its officers, agents, <br />employees, 'oonsuitams special counsel, and representatives ftrom liability for personal injury; damages, <br />just compensation, restitution, lud e{al or equitable relief;eiising out ofolalms for personal injury, <br />including death, and.clalms for property dam ogo, whioh may arise from ite direct or indirect operations of <br />the Contractor or its contractors, auboontraetors, agents employees, or other persons ac0bg oil thei <br />