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With courtesy copies to: <br />Public Works Agency-. Water kesources <br />City of ;Santa Anal <br />220 South Daisy (M45) <br />Santa Ana, Califon is 927Q3 <br />Fax "714.647 -3345 <br />mitt City Attoniey <br />City of Santa Arta. <br />20 Civic Center Plaza (M -29) <br />1',C.13ox 1958 <br />Santa. Ana; California 92102 <br />Fax 714- 6.47 -651 S <br />TO Contractor; Hadronex Incorporated <br />Trani [Foltz <br />38.1 :Engel Street <br />Escondido, California 92029 <br />Fax:760.291 -,1982 <br />A party may..change; i'ts address bygivingnatiee m writing to the other party. Thereatfer� any <br />communication shall be addressed and transmitted to the new address. if seat by mail, oommumicatipn <br />shall be, effective ror'dectned to have been given three (3) days after it has boon deposited in the United <br />States mail, duly registered or certified; with postage prepaid„ and addressed asset forth above. If sent by <br />tolefacsimile, communication shall be effective or deemed to have been giventwanty -£our (24) hour's <br />after top time set forth on the transmission report issued by the transmitting faesimile machine; addressed <br />as set forth above. For purposes of calculatiag those tithe inunes, weekends, federal, state; Comity or City <br />holi6ys shall be exel id:ed:. <br />9. EXCLUSIVITY AND AMENDMENT <br />This Agreement represents the complete and exclusive statement between the City and <br />Contractor, and supersedes any and all other agreements, oral or written, between the,pa Gios. In the euent <br />of a conflict between the terms of this Agreement and -any attachments hereto, the terms of this <br />Agreement shalt prevail. This Agreement may not be modified except by written instrunrent signed by <br />the City and by an authorized representative of Contractor. The parties agree that any terms or conditions <br />ofany purchase -order or other histrument that are, inconsistent with, or m addition to, the terms and <br />conditions hereof, shall not bind or obligate Contractor nor the City, Each patty to this Agreement <br />acknowledges' that no representations, inducoments, pronaws or agroetnents, orally or otherwise, have <br />been made by any praty, or anyone acting on behalf of any party, which is not embodied hetoin. <br />10, ASSIGNMENT <br />Inasmuch as this Agreement is untended to seenre the specialized services of Contractor; <br />Contractor may net aas[gn, transfer, delegate, or subcontract any interest herein without the.prior written <br />consent of the City and. any such assignment, transEar, d©legadan.or subcontract without the City's prior <br />written consent shall be considered rail and void, Nothing in this Agreement shall be construed to limit <br />the Cfty'S ability to have any.ofthe services which are the subject to this Agreement performed by City <br />personnel or by other consultants retained by City; <br />4 <br />25G -8 <br />