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IL TE+MUINATION <br />This Agreement maybe tennfnated by City upon thirty (30;) days written notice of tertnination, <br />ha such event, Contractor entitled to receive and the.City shall pay Contractor compensation for all <br />seMQes p.erformed'by Contractor prior to receipt of such notice oetcriniilation :However, payment need not <br />be Inade for woxk" which falls to meet the standard of performance specified in the Re vitals of thus Agreement. <br />12. DISC;IIIIVIIY 1TION <br />Contractor shall not dlaei °invnate bepauso Of Me, color, creed, religion, sex, marital status, sexual <br />orientati tin age, national orig n, ancestry,, or-disability, as;deflned and prohibited by applicable taw, In tHe. <br />rectuitmorit, selection, Training, utilization, promotion, termination, or other employment related activifias. <br />Contractor affirms that it is an equal opportunity employer and shall comply withsEl applicable tiedoral, <br />state and fecal taws and regulations, <br />JURISOICTION -VENUE <br />This Agreement has beert executed and delivered in the State of California and the validity, <br />interpretation, porfot nanaoi and:, enforcement: of any of the clauses, of this Agreement shall be determined <br />and governed by the laws of the :State of California. Both parties further agree that Orange, County, <br />California; shall be.the venue fok:any action or proceeding that roltybe brought or arise out of, t <br />connection with or byreason of this Agreement. <br />14. PROFESSIONAL LICE NUS <br />Contractor shall, throughout the term ofthis Agreement, maintain ail necessary lEeenses, perinits, <br />approvals,, Walvers, and exemptions necessary for the provision of the services herounder andxequired by <br />the laws and regulations of the Llduted StatF s, the State of Calilhr ii a, the City of Santa Ana and alt other <br />govetrutiontal agencies, Contractor shall notify the, City immediately end in writing of its inability to <br />obtain or maintain such permits, licenses, approvals, waivers, and exemptions. 5ald inabrptyshall be <br />cause for wrninatlon ftbts Agreement. <br />15, MISCEZ1,AN'EOUSPROVISIONS <br />a. F,aeh undersigned represents and w'an•smts that its_slgnature hernin below has the power, aUtl ority <br />and rightto bind their, respective parties to each of the terms of this Agreement, and shall indein ify City <br />fully, including;reasonable costs and attorn'ey's fees, for any injuries or damages to' City it] the event that such <br />authority or power is not, in fact, bold by the signatory or is withdrawn. <br />b. All Exhibits rePeronced herein and attached hereto sbalibe incorporated as if Fully set forth in lire <br />body ofthils. Agreetnortt. <br />rrf <br />rrr <br />nr <br />25G -9 <br />