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Statement of <br />• Redevelop existing land uses that would utilize existing infrastructure, including: water, sewer, <br />arterial roadways, transit, and freeways; and provide non - vehicular (pedestrian and bicycle) <br />circulation. <br />• &nplement rehabilitation of underutilized properties to encourage increased levels of capital <br />investment and enhance the City's economic and fiscal viability pursuant to the City of Santa Ana <br />Strategic Plan. <br />• Provide a business environment that is safe and attractive and mects the needs of employment <br />centers by providing new housirng opportunities close to jobs with onsite retail and public open <br />space. <br />• Implement Southern California Association of Government's Regional Comprehensive Plan by <br />providing additional housing near existing employment centers. <br />• Promote the City's image within the regional activity center by creating an improved gateway <br />image to the City. <br />4.0 Effects Determined to have No.lmpact in the Initial <br />Study /Notice of Preparation <br />The City of Santa Ana prepared an Initial Study/Notice of Preparation for the proposed proj cot to determine <br />potentially significant effects of the project. In the course of this evaluation, it was determined that the <br />project would not result in impacts to several environmental resource areas. The Initial Study/Notice of <br />Preparation was circulated for public review from Wednesday, January 21, 2015 through Friday, February <br />20, 2015. The following effects were determined not to be significant in the Initial Study/Notice of <br />Preparation, and were not analyzed in the Draft EIR; refer to Appendix A of the Draft EIR. <br />Aesthetics <br />• Have a substantial adverse effect on a scenic vista. <br />• Substantially damage scenic resources, including, but not limited to, trees, rock outcroppings, and <br />historic buildings within a state scenic highway. <br />Agricultural and Forest Resources <br />• Convert Prime Farmland, Unique Famitand, or Fa stand of Statewide Importance (Farmland), as <br />shown on the maps prepared pursuant to the Farmland Mapping and Monitoring Progran of the <br />California Resources Agency, to non - agricultural use. <br />• Conflict with existing zoning for agricultural use, or a Williamson Act contract. <br />Conflict with existing zoning for, or cause rezoning of, forest land (as defined in Public <br />Resources Code section 12220(8)), timberland (as defined by Public Resources Code section <br />The aedtage Mixed Use PmJeot 4 ESA 1140736 <br />Statameof of Feats and Findings September 2016 <br />