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Statement of recta and Flndings <br />Hazards and Hazardous Materials <br />• Hydrology and Water Quality <br />• Land Use and Planning (plan slid policy consistency) <br />Noise ('short -tern construction noise impacts, construction - related vibration impacts, and short -tern <br />cumulativeinjpacts) . <br />• Population and Housing <br />Public Services <br />• Parks and Recreation <br />f Traffic (Congestion Management Program) <br />Utilities and Service Systems <br />The less than significant environmental impacts are described below. The City of Santa Ana finds that the <br />project would not result in significant impacts related to the following environmental topics; <br />A. Facts <br />The project would not substantially degrade the existing visual character or quality of the site and its <br />surrolmdings. Implementation of the project would result in a strong visual contrast from existing <br />conditions. The character of the site would change from an industrial/warehouse/office nature to a <br />residential, urban mixed -use village that would have a unifying modem architectural theme. <br />However, a substantial degradation of the visual character or quality would not occur. The project <br />site currently has very limited (if any) visual character or interest. The project would enhance and <br />reinforce the existing urban, mixed -rise character of the project site and surrounding area, by <br />providing a mixed use that would integrate buildings, public spaces, slid green spaces. Furthermore, <br />the project would be designed in accordance with applicable City of Santa Ana design guidelines <br />and requirements. As a result, the project would not substantially degrade the existing visual <br />character of the site or surrounding area, and impacts would be less than significant. <br />2. The project would not create a substantial new source of substantial light or glare which would <br />adversely affect day or nighttime views in the area. All outdoor lighting installed for the project are <br />required to be hooded, appropriately angled away from adjacent land uses, and would comply with <br />the City's Municipal Code regulations related to lighting (Municipal Code Division 3, Building <br />Security Regulations), which includes specifications for shielding and intensity of security lighting. <br />The lighting used for the project would not introduce a significant new source of additional lighting <br />to area as existing developed land uses currently contribute to existing moderate to high levels of <br />nighttime lighting. Therefore, less- than - significant impacts related to lighting would occur, <br />The Hedtage Mlxed Use Project 8 ESA � 140730 <br />Statement of Facts and Flndings September 2016 <br />