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Statement of <br />infrastructure, water and wastewater, and landfill facility and service capacity. Utility and service <br />system related impacts would be less than significant, and no mitigation measures are necessary. <br />6.0 Effects Determined to be Mitigated to Less than <br />Significant in the EIR <br />The City of Santa Ana, having reviewed and considered the information contained in the Final EIR, the <br />Technical Appendices, and the administrative record, finds, pursuant to California Public Resources Code <br />21081 (a)(1) and CEQA Guidelines 15091 (a)(1) that changes or alterations have been required in, or <br />incorporated into, the project, which would avoid or substantially lessen to below a level of significance the <br />following potentially significant environmental cffects identified in the Final EIR in the following <br />categories: <br />• Air Quality (short -term [construction] air emissions) <br />• Cultural Resources (archaeological and paleontological resources, cumulative) <br />• Geology and Soils (seismic ground shaking, liquefaction, ground settlement, corrosive soils, <br />expansive soils) <br />• Greenhouse Gases (operations) <br />• Land Use and Plarr ing (airport consistency) <br />• Noise (project machinery noise and short -term construction noise) <br />The potentially significant adverse environmental impacts that can be mitigated are described below. The <br />City of Santa Ana finds that these potentially significant adverse impacts can be mitigated to a level that is <br />less than significant after implementation of mitigation measures. <br />I O . H <br />A. Facts <br />The project has the potential to violate any air quality standard or contribute substantially to an <br />existing or projected air quality violation during construction activities. Construction related <br />emissions would have the potential to result in substantial contributions concentrations of ROG and <br />NOx. NOx would be generated from the onsite equipment exhaust, and ROGs would be generated <br />from the application of architectural coatings. Implementation of Mitigation Measures AQ -1 <br />through AQ -6 would reduce the emissions through regulating equipment exhaust, extending the <br />timing of the architectural coating phases, and reducing the ROG content of the architectural <br />coatings used for non - residential buildings to those required for residential buildings. The total <br />mitigated ROG and NOx emissions that would result from the implementation of mitigation would <br />be reduced to less than significant levels. Therefore, emissions from construction activities would <br />be less than significant with implementation of the mitigation measures listed below. <br />The Harltage MIMed flee Projort 24 ESA / 140730 <br />Statement of Facts and Findings September 2016 <br />