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Statement of Facts and Findings <br />Mitigation Measure NOI-3: Prior to issuance of any Grading Permit, the City Engineer and the <br />Building Safety Manager shall cent= that the Grading Plan, Building Plans, and specifications <br />stipulate that, the construction contractor shall install a temporary sound barrier, such as plywood <br />structures or flexible sound control curtains, of at least eight feet in height along the project site's <br />property line, adjacent to the Candlewood Suites Hotel property to reduce construction noise. Barriers <br />that obstruct the direct fine -of -sight between the construction area and the receptor would provide <br />approximately 5 dBA reduction in noise levels. <br />Mitigation Measure NOI -4: Prior to issuance of any Grading Permit, the City Engineer and the <br />Building Safety Manager shall confirm that the Grading Plan, Building Plans, and specifications <br />stipulate that construction activities associated with the proposed project shall: 1) be scheduled to <br />avoid operating several pieces of heavy diesel - powered equipment simultaneously, which causes high <br />noise levels; 2) utilize hydraulically or electrically powered impact tools to avoid noise associated <br />with compressed air exhaust from pneumatically powered tools; and 3) if use of pneumatic tools is <br />unavoidable, an exhaust muffler on the compressed air exhaust shall be used and external jackets on <br />the tools themselves shall be used. <br />Mitigation Measure NOI -5: Prior to issuance of a building permit, the Proj act Applicant shall <br />submit a Construction Management Plan for review and approval by the City of Santa Ana Planning <br />Division, The Construction Management Plan shall, at a minimum, indicate the equipment and <br />vehicle staging areas, stockpiling of materials, fencing (i.e., temporary fencing with opaque material), <br />and construction haul route(s). <br />7.0 Environmental Effects that Remain Significant and <br />Unavoidable after Mitigation <br />The City of Santa Ana, having reviewed and considered the information contained in the Final EIR, <br />Technical Appendices, and the administrative record, finds, pursuant to California Public Resources Code <br />21081 (a)(3) and CEQA Guidelines 15091 (a)(3), that specific economic, legal, social, technological, or <br />other considerations, make infeasible the mitigation measures identified in the EIR and, therefore, the <br />project would cause significant unavoidable impact in relation to operational and cumulative air quality and <br />operational and cruulative traffic. <br />Air Quality <br />A. Pacts <br />Implementation of the Heritage Mixed Use Projectt would result in long -tern regional emissions <br />of criteria air pollutants. The majority of the emissions that would be generated by operation of <br />the project are from vehicular trips, mobile sources, and onsito equipment /facilities. <br />Implementation of Mitigation Measures AQ -7 through AQ -13 would reduce the project's <br />operational emissions of criteria pollutants by increasing the energy efficiency of the proposed <br />buildings to five percent beyond that required by 2013 Title 24 standards, equipping three percent <br />of parking spaces with charging stations, requiring the use of low VOC products, provision of <br />outlets for landscaping and requiring 10 percent of landscaphlg be completed electrically, and <br />ire r1whge MI&ee Use Project 35 ESA 1140730 <br />Statement of Facts and Findinge September 2015 <br />