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Statement of Facts <br />provision of information regarding nearby transit services. However, the reductions in eadssions <br />from these measures would not reduce the vehicular related emissions of ROG and NOx below <br />the applicable SCAQMD thresholds, and the vehicle trips that would be generated by the project <br />would cause the exceedance of the SCAQMD's applicable thresholds. Therefore, impacts related <br />to regional operational emissions related to ROG and. NOx would be significant and unavoidable. <br />2. Pursuant to SCAQMD's cumulative air quality impact methodology, if an individual project <br />results in air emissions of criteria pollutants that exceed the SCAQMD's thresholds, then it would <br />also result in a cumulatively considerable net increase of these criteria pollutants for which the <br />project region is in non - attainment wider an applicable federal or state ambient air quality <br />standard. Therefore, because operational emissions related to ROG and NOx would be significant <br />and unavoidable, cumulative impacts would also be significant and unavoidable, <br />Mitigation Measures <br />Mitigation Measure AQ -7: Prior to issuance of any Grading Permit, the City Engineer and the <br />Building Safety Manager shall confirm that the Building Plans and specifications stipulate that all <br />onsite buildings shall increase energy efficiencies to five percent (5 %) beyond that required by 2013 <br />Title 24 standards. This may be achieved through, but is not limited to, building shell design and <br />building components such as windows, roof systems, water /imgation, and electrical systems. <br />Mitigation Measure AQ -8: Prior to issuance of any Grading Permit, the City Engineer and the <br />Building Safety Manager shall confirm that the Building Plans and specifications stipulate that three <br />percent (3 %) (or the amount required by the CalGreen Code, whichever is greater) of all off - street <br />parking spaces shall be equipped with charging stations to encourage the use of electric vehicles. The <br />charging stations shall be installed within each residential parking structure, and may also be provided <br />in the commercial and office parking facilities. The location of the electrical outlets shall be specified <br />on building plans and proper installation shall be verified by the Building Safety Division prior to <br />issuance of a Certificate of Occupancy, <br />Mitigation Measure AQ -9: Prior to issuance of any Grading Permit, the City Engineer and the <br />Building Safety Manager shall confirm that the Building Plans and specifications stipulate that no <br />fireplaces shall be included in the residential units. <br />Mitigation Measure AQ -10: The City of Santa. Ana Planning and Building Agency shall require by <br />contract specifications that maintenance of the proposed project facilities and lease agreements for all <br />non - residential units require the use of low VOC cleaning supplies in all buildings, and use of low <br />VOC architectural coatings applied as part of building maintenance and upkeep. The architectural <br />coatings shall be 50 grams per liter or less for interior and 100 gQ or less for exterior coatings, or a <br />content consistent with Rule 1113. <br />Mitigation Measore AQ -11: Prior to issuance of any Grading Permit, the Building and Safety <br />Division shall confirm that the Building Plans and specifications stipulate that project buildings and <br />parldirg structures shall be equipped with exterior electrical outlets such that a minimum of 10 percent <br />of landscape equipment used onsite can be electrically operated. The location of the electrical outlets <br />The hlerltetre Mlxed Uee Project 36 ESA 1140730 <br />Statement of Feels and Flnftge September 201 5 <br />