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Statement of Fasts and Flndings <br />shall be specified on building plans and proper installation shall be verified by the Building Safety <br />Division prior to issuance of a Certificate of Occupancy. <br />Mitigation Measure AQ -12: The City of Santa Ana Planning and Building Agency shall require by <br />contract specifications that landscape contracts for the project site shall include a mandatory <br />minimum of 10 percent of all landscape equipment used onsite be electrically operated. <br />Mitigation Measure AQ-13: The City of Santa Ana Planning and Building Agency shall require by <br />contract specifications that the lease agreements for all multi - family residential and non - residential <br />units: <br />* Require provision of information about OCTA and Metrolink transit services in the vicinity <br />of the project site to all residents and employees. <br />• Require that transit routes be posted in common areas of multi- family residential buildings <br />and employee /patron areas for non - residential buildings. <br />B. Findings <br />The City finds that: <br />Operational emissions associated with the proposed project would exceed the SCAQMD's thresholds <br />of significance for ROG and NOx even with the incorporation of Mitigation Measures AQ -4 through <br />AQ -10. There are no identified mitigation measures that could be implemented that would reduce <br />ROG and NOx emissions below the SCAQMD threshold. <br />Transportation and Traffic <br />A. Facts <br />The project would conflict with an applicable plan establishing measures of effectiveness for the <br />performance of the circulation system and would result in both project level and cumulatively <br />considerable significant and unavoidable impacts. The addition of project traffic to the existing <br />traffic conditions in the project area would result in exceeclance of traffic criteria and thresholds <br />of significance. The needed intersection and roadway improvements that would reduce these <br />impacts are identified in Mitigation Measures TRA -1 through TRA -17. However, several of the <br />improvements are not within the control of the City of Santa Ana to implement, and <br />implementation of several improvements cannot be guaranteed As a result, the traffic impacted <br />locations that are outside of the City of Santa Ana's jurisdiction are significant and unavoidable, <br />These locations include: <br />Intersection of Grand Avenue at Dyer Road (City of Santa Ana /Caltrans) <br />• Intersection of Red Trill Avenue at Valencia Avenue (City of Tustin) <br />a Intersection of SR -55 Northbound Ramps at Dyer Road (City of Santa Ana /Caltrans) <br />The Heritage Mixed Use Project 37 ESA M0730 <br />Statement of rack and Findings September 2016 <br />