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Findings: <br />The City finds that the No Project No Build Alternative would reduce the potential construction related <br />environmental impacts and reduce the potential operational impacts related to: aesthetics, air quality, GHG <br />emissions, hazards and hazardous materials, noise, public services, traffic and utilities. Additionally, this <br />alternative world not require a general plan or zoning amendment, which would reduce land use and <br />planning related impacts compared to the proposed project. <br />However, the No Project/No Build Alternative would result in greater impacts related to hydrology, water <br />quality, and stormwater drainage, In addition, this alternative would not improve the jobs to housing balance <br />within the region or provide new public park and recreation facilities for existing residents within the project <br />vicinity, Furthermore, the No Project/ No Build Alternative would not meet any of the project objectives. <br />Alternative 2: Reduced Project Alternative <br />Under this alterative, a 25 percent reduction in the number of residential units and commercial space <br />would be built. Therefore, under this alternative, 915 multi- family residential units and a total of 13,567 <br />square feet of commercial retail and restaurant space would be developed; along with an associated <br />reduction in parking and recreation area. <br />The office building portion of the proposed project would occur under this alternative, and this alterative <br />would require a General Plan Amendment and a Zone change, similar to the project. <br />Findings <br />The Reduced Project Alternative would reduce impacts to construction noise, public services, and utilities <br />and infrastructure compared to the project. Less than significant impacts related to aesthetics, cultural <br />resources, geology and soils, GHG emissions, hazards and hazardous materials, hydrology and water <br />quality, land use and planning, operational noise, population and housing, and parks and recreation would <br />be similar under the Reduced Project Alternative as compared to the proposed project. <br />In addition, impacts related air quality and traffic would be reduced under the Reduced Project <br />Alternative compared to the proposed project; however, impacts would remain significant and <br />unavoidable. Therefore, the Reduced Proj act Alternative would reduce, but not eliminate the significant <br />and unavoidable impacts that would result from the proposed project. The Reduced Project Alternative <br />would meet the project objectives; however, it would not eliminate the significant and unavoidable <br />impacts of the proposed project. <br />Alternative 3: Development of a Light Industrial Business Park /Build Out <br />Under the Existing Zoning Alternative <br />Under this alternative, the project site would be redeveloped into a light industrial business park as <br />allowed by the existing zoning designation of M -1 (Light Industrial), which allows a maximum Floor <br />Area Ratio (FAR) of 0.45 and would support a maximum development of 369,301.5 square feet on the <br />18.84 acre parcel. A majority of the onsite development would be demolished, removed, and replaced to <br />provide new builduig structures that would be developed pursuant to current building requirements, such <br />The Herlloge Mixed Use Project 42 ESA 1 140730 <br />Stalemenl of Facts and Findinge September 2015 <br />