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Statement <br />as energy efficient power systems, drought tolerant landscaping, storm water filtration, and other LID <br />requirements, The existing office portion of the onsite stricture world be retained, and the exterior <br />renovated to provide a new fagade to be consistent with the new strictures that would be developed <br />adjacent to the existing office stricture. This alterative would be consistent with the existing land use <br />designation, which is PAO (Professional and Administrative Office) and M -1 (Light Industrial) zoning <br />designation. <br />Findings: The Light Industrial Business Park Alternative would result in a significant unavoidable impact <br />for exceedance of GHG emissions thresholds, which would not occur by the proposed project. In addition, <br />traffic impacts would remain significant and unavoidable. The Light Industrial Business Park Alternative <br />would also result in greater environmental impacts related to hazardous materials, operational noise, jobs - <br />housing imbalance, and utilities and service systems. Although, this alternative would reduce operational <br />air quality impacts to a less than significant level, the Light Industrial Business Park Alternative would <br />not meet a majority of the project objectives. <br />Environmentally Superior Alternative <br />CEQA does not require the Lead Agency (City of Santa Ana) to approve the environmentally superior <br />alternative. Conversely, CEQA requires that an EAR consider a reasonable range of feasible alternatives <br />(CEQA Guidelines Section 15126.6(a)) and then the lead agency may elect to approve the project or any of <br />the analyzed alternatives. Pursuant to CEQA, this alternatives analysis has been prepared for the City to <br />consider environmentally superior alternatives and also determine whether the benefits of the project or its <br />alternatives outweigh the potential environmental impacts. <br />Findings; The Environmentally Superior Alternative would be the No Project/No Build Alternative <br />because no construction activities or intensification of onsite uses would occur, and it would reduce the <br />significantly adverse impacts that would result. from the proposed project. <br />The Environmentally Superior Alternative among the other alternatives would be the Reduced Project <br />Alternative, which would involve reducing the build out of the proposed project by 25 percent. As a <br />result, the overall impacts from implementation of the Reduced Project Alternative would be <br />incrementally less than those of the proposed project. However, impacts related to long -term regional <br />emissions of criteria air pollutants and intersection and roadway traffic impacts would exceed thresholds <br />and would remain significant and unavoidable. Therefore, the Reduced Proj ect Alternative would result hr <br />fewer vehicular trips and criteria pollutants, but would result in the same significant and unavoidable <br />impacts that would result from the proposed project. <br />The Heritage Mixed Use Project 43 ESA 1 140730 <br />Statement of Facto and Findings September 2oi5 <br />