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Statement of Overriding Considerations <br />The following Statement of Overriding Considerations is made in connection with the approval of <br />the Heritage Mixed Use project (project). <br />CEQA requires the decision - making agency to balance the economic, legal, social, technological <br />or other benefits of a project against its unavoidable environmental risks when determining <br />whether to approve a project (CEQA Guidelines Section 15091). If the benefits of the project <br />outweigh the unavoidable adverse effects, those effects may be considered acceptable. CEQA <br />requires the agency to provide written findings supporting the specific reasons for considering a <br />project acceptable when significant impacts are unavoidable. Such reasons must be based on <br />substantial evidence in the E1R or elsewhere in the administrative record. The reasons for <br />proceeding with this project despite the adverse environmental impacts that may result are <br />provided in this Statement of Overriding Considerations CEQA Guidelines Section 15093). <br />The City Council finds that the economic, social and other benefits of the proj ect outweigh the <br />significant and unavoidable impacts to operational and cumulative air quality and operational and <br />cumulative traffic. In making this finding, the City Council has balanced the benefits of the <br />project against its unavoidable impacts and has indicated its willingness to accept those adverse <br />impacts. The City Council finds that each one of the following benefits of the project, <br />independent of the other benefits, would warrant approval of the project notwithstanding the <br />unavoidable environmental impacts of the project; <br />A, The City Council finds that all feasible mitigation measures have been imposed to either <br />lessen project impacts to less than significant or to the extent feasible, and furthermore, <br />that alternatives to the project are infeasible because they generally have similar or <br />greater impacts, or they do not meet the project objectives, or are otherwise infeasible as <br />fully described in the Statement of Facts and Findings. <br />B. The project strikes a proper balance of land uses between commercial and office <br />development that focuses on economic activity, and high- quality residential development <br />with open space and recreation facilities, that emphasizes a mixed -use envirornnent in <br />which residents benefit from nearby employment opporturvties. <br />C. The project will rehabilitate an underutilized property, encourage increased levels of <br />capital investment, and enhance the City's economic and fiscal viability pursuant to the <br />City of Santa Ana Strategic Plan. <br />The Heritage Mixad Use Project t ESA 1140730 <br />Statement of Overriding Conslderetlons September 2015 <br />