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Statement of Overrlding Conslderatlons <br />D. Implement Southem California Association of Government's Regional Comprehensive <br />Plan by providing additional housing near existing employment centers. <br />E. The project will benefit thojobs housing balance. The addition of residential units within <br />the project vicinity would result in a cumulative benefit to the jobs - housing balance for <br />this region of Orange County, and could reduce physical impacts related to the jobs - <br />housing balance, such as regional traffic, air quality emissions, and greenhouse gasses, <br />F. The project will create additional housing units beyond what currently exists in the area <br />or what currently could be developed in that area and thus will add to the available <br />housing stock in the area. <br />G. The project will augment the City's economic base by providing additional tax revenues <br />resulting from the commercial component of the project. <br />H. The project will facilitate non- motorized transportation, because it would include bicycle <br />and pedestrian connectivity between the onsite residential, retail, restaurant, park, <br />recreation, and office uses; and is located adjacent to existing public transportation that <br />provides connectivity to nearby regional Metrolink transit. <br />1. The project would result in increased pervious surfaces and would filter drainage prior to <br />discharge. This would have a positive impact on water quality and hydrology compared to <br />existing conditions. <br />J. The project would exceed the City's requirements related to open space, park, and <br />recreation facilities, and would provide both public and private recreation onsite. Thus, the <br />project would provide new facilities for community use, and would assist in offsetting <br />increased usage of other park and recreation facilities in the region. <br />The City Council finds that the foregoing benefits provided through approval of the Heritage <br />Mixed Use project outweigh the identified significant adverse environmental impacts. The City <br />Council fiirther finds that each of the individual Heritage Mixed Use project benefits discussed <br />above outweighs the unavoidable adverse environmental effects identified in the Draft and Final <br />EIRs; and therefore finds those impacts to be acceptable. The City Council further finds that each <br />of the benefits listed above, standing alone, is sufficient justification for the City Council to <br />override these unavoidable environmental impacts. <br />The HOntago Wed Use ProjeCt 2 ESA/ 140730 <br />Statement of 0verrlding Consldendans September 2015 <br />