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3.0 BULK SAMPLING PROCEDURES FOR ASBESTOS <br />Each suspect ACBM identified was sampled in accordance with sampling guidelines established <br />by the USEPA. The following summarizes the sampling procedures utilized: <br />1. Building materials were categorized into homogeneous materials. A <br />homogeneous material is defined as being uniform in texture, color, and date of <br />application. <br />2. A sampling scheme was developed based upon the location and quantities of the <br />various homogeneous materials. <br />3. Bulk samples were collected by extracting a representative section of the selected <br />material, placing it in a sampling container and assigning a unique sample <br />number. The samples were placed into a sealed shipping container for delivery to <br />an accredited laboratory for analysis by PLM. <br />4. The personnel performed proper decontamination procedures to prevent the <br />spread of secondary contamination. <br />5. Each bulk sample was recorded on a bulk sample log and possession of the <br />samples was tracked by a chain of custody record. <br />The reported laboratory results in this report are a visual estimate by area of Asbestos <br />concentration. Results for heterogeneous samples examined by component are reported as a <br />composite. The lower limit of reliable detection for this method is 1 %. Samples that contain <br />more than 1% of Asbestos are reported in 5% ranges. Samples which contain Asbestos in a <br />concentration lower than the limit of reliable detection (<1%) are considered "Trace." <br />All bulk samples were analyzed by PLM in accordance with the "Interim Method for the <br />Determination of Asbestos in Bulk Insulation Samples EPA - 600 /M4 -82 -020" dated December <br />1982 and adopted by the National Voluntary Laboratory Accreditation Program (NVLAP) Title <br />15, part 7 of the Code of Federal Register as affiliated with the National Institute for Standards <br />and Testing (KIST). <br />Ten bulk samples were obtained at the subject buildings and analyzed for Asbestos content by <br />Forensic Analytical of Rancho Dominguez, California. Forensic Analytical is accredited by the <br />American Industrial Hygiene Association (AIFIA), National Voluntary Laboratory Accreditation <br />Program (NVLAP), National Institute of Standards and Testing (KIST), and is a successful <br />participant in the Proficiency Analytical Testing Program (PAT). <br />0 <br />19F -30 <br />