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a' I Storm Drain Master Plow <br />Phase 2 1 RFP No. 96 -02 <br />P <br />Al <br />Drainage Master Plan, Redlands, California. City of Redlands. Project Engineer. Responsible for <br />2D hydraulic modeling and flooding analysis through downtown Redlands using Stormwater and <br />Wastewater Management Model (XP- SWMM). Zanja Creek and the drainage network was modeled to <br />identify deficiency and causes of flooding. Michael Baker developed a drainage master plan for the <br />city to update its drainage infrastructure and to Identify regional drainage solutions to the city's <br />flooding issues. Michael Baker's services included hydraulic modeling, planning, best management <br />practice (BMP) identification and evaluation, and stakeholder coordination. <br />Rancho Palos Verdes Storm Water Master Plan, Rancho Palos Verdes, California. City of <br />Rancho Palos Verdes. Project Engineer. Used ArcGIS and model builder to delineate watershed <br />boundaries and obtain parameters according to LA County hydrology criteria. XP -SWMM was used to <br />perform the hydrology and hydraulics for the existing condition. A recommended storm drain analysis <br />was analyzed and a priority storm drain list was created, The Rancho Palos Verdes Storm Water <br />Master Plan includes the development of a GIS database for the storm drain inventory including a <br />Facility Mapping Tool which is being utilized to gather field data and keep the City informed of Michael <br />Baker's field work schedule and finding. Data gathering for the project includes filling in missing as- <br />built data such as inverts and facility naming. The hydrology and hydraulics modeling is being <br />completed utilizing GIS, XPSWMM, and XPWSPGW. This master plan includes the integration of <br />stormwater quality retrofit opportunities. The Master Plan will ultimately provide the City with a <br />comprehensive "living" storm water master plan. The master plan also includes a project prioritization <br />scheme and a Capital Improvement Plan. <br />Storm Drainage Master Plan, Buena Park, California. City of Buena Park. Engineer. Responsible <br />for hydrology and hydraulics analysis. Michael Baker provided engineering services to prepare a <br />citywide drainage master plan. Michael Baker's services included field investigations, video surveys, <br />storm drain mapping, hydrodynamic modeling, regulatory compliance analysis, best management <br />practice (BMP) retrofit recommendations, geodatabase update, and master plan report preparation. <br />Master Plan of Storm Drainage for North and West Santa Ana River Tributary Areas, Anaheim, <br />California. City of Anaheim. Engineer. Responsible for hydrology analysis which included watershed <br />delineation and discharge for the hydraulic analysis. Storm Drain As -Built drawings were obtained <br />from the City of Anaheim and were analyzed with the new discharges using WSPG. Storm drain <br />systems were proposed if the existing system was inadequate. Michael Baker was selected by the <br />City of Anaheim to prepare an updated comprehensive storm drainage master plan for the North and <br />West Santa Ana River tributary areas. The new plan was based on previous studies for the areas, <br />updated to account for current hydrology methods, new hydrology modeling in areas without existing <br />studies, improvements to the storm drain and tributary channel systems, and the latest land use <br />planning. The new plan will model existing storm drainage systems from as -built plans and identify <br />deficiencies in the existing street sections and storm drain systems based on the results of the <br />hydrology and hydraulic analyses. Alternatives to improve existing deficiencies and recommended <br />improvements and cost estimates will be developed. <br />At t;rcwme;nes I I?F!;urcr =v <br />N T E NNAT 10 N AL <br />20C -41 <br />