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. 'q h � <br />Ix Phase 2 RFP No. 16 -02 y -j Y y `' R <br />Yuba Sutter Regional Conservation Plan (Habitat Conservation Plan /Natural Communities <br />Conservation Plan), Project Manager. The plan area encompasses 450,000 acres. The participants <br />Include two counties, three cities, and the Department of Water Resources. Michael Baker International <br />is working closely with local and resource agency representatives In developing a conservation strategy <br />for 26 species of plants and animals that will ensure the continued survival of those plants and animals, <br />while simultaneously accommodating private property rights and foreseeable future urban <br />development. Sophisticated biological and geographical analyses were used to design a conceptual <br />preserve system that maintains habitat connectivity. Prepare several successful grant applications. <br />Salinas Valley Solid Waste Authority Crazy Horse Sanitary Landfill Permitting, Project Manager. <br />Managed the regulatory permitting to implement the closure plan. The Crazy Horse Sanitary Landfill is <br />located on a 160 -acre parcel in Salinas. <br />City of Santa Rosa, Santa Rosa Subregional Long -Term Wastewater Project EIR /EIS, Task <br />Manager. Managed $2 million of technical biological studies to support the EIR /EIS and permit <br />processes. Prepared biological sections of the EIR /EIS, which compared five alternatives at an equal <br />level of evaluation. <br />Paradise Irrigation District, Water Supply Alternatives Environmental Feasibility Analyses, <br />Project Director. Directed site assessments and environmental analyses for the Water Supply <br />Alternatives Environmental Feasibility Analyses Report, per Proposition 204 grant funding <br />requirements. Prepared an environmental feasibility study in order to evaluate alternative actions that <br />the district could undertake to meet future water needs and ensure a reliable and adequate water supply <br />for the district's service area. <br />Paradise Irrigation District, Magalta Reservoir Raw Water Bypass Project, Project Manager. <br />Managed environmental constraints analysis. Prepared the Initial Study and Mitigated Negative <br />Declaration; Clean Water Act 404, 410, 1602 Streambed Alteration Agreement; and USFWS biological <br />assessment for a water diversion project on Little Butte Creek. <br />Colusa Basin Drainage District, Bureau of Reclamation, Freshwater Basin Watershed <br />Management Program, Technical Advisor. Provided technical advice, environmental analyses, and <br />agency coordination for a flood control feasibility study. <br />California Public Utilities Commission, Pacific Gas & Electric (PG &E) Company Hydro - <br />Divestiture Project EIR, Technical Director. Conducted a statewide biological assessment of the <br />potential effects of divestiture of multiple PG &E hydroelectric facilities and land holdings. Coordinated <br />staff of four companies. <br />Ai t,,, hr,, e n f� 1 Nie.L'r,i", <br />I N T E RMATIO N A L <br />20C -47 <br />x1� S <br />Storm Drain Master Plan . <br />� x <br />Yuba Sutter Regional Conservation Plan (Habitat Conservation Plan /Natural Communities <br />Conservation Plan), Project Manager. The plan area encompasses 450,000 acres. The participants <br />Include two counties, three cities, and the Department of Water Resources. Michael Baker International <br />is working closely with local and resource agency representatives In developing a conservation strategy <br />for 26 species of plants and animals that will ensure the continued survival of those plants and animals, <br />while simultaneously accommodating private property rights and foreseeable future urban <br />development. Sophisticated biological and geographical analyses were used to design a conceptual <br />preserve system that maintains habitat connectivity. Prepare several successful grant applications. <br />Salinas Valley Solid Waste Authority Crazy Horse Sanitary Landfill Permitting, Project Manager. <br />Managed the regulatory permitting to implement the closure plan. The Crazy Horse Sanitary Landfill is <br />located on a 160 -acre parcel in Salinas. <br />City of Santa Rosa, Santa Rosa Subregional Long -Term Wastewater Project EIR /EIS, Task <br />Manager. Managed $2 million of technical biological studies to support the EIR /EIS and permit <br />processes. Prepared biological sections of the EIR /EIS, which compared five alternatives at an equal <br />level of evaluation. <br />Paradise Irrigation District, Water Supply Alternatives Environmental Feasibility Analyses, <br />Project Director. Directed site assessments and environmental analyses for the Water Supply <br />Alternatives Environmental Feasibility Analyses Report, per Proposition 204 grant funding <br />requirements. Prepared an environmental feasibility study in order to evaluate alternative actions that <br />the district could undertake to meet future water needs and ensure a reliable and adequate water supply <br />for the district's service area. <br />Paradise Irrigation District, Magalta Reservoir Raw Water Bypass Project, Project Manager. <br />Managed environmental constraints analysis. Prepared the Initial Study and Mitigated Negative <br />Declaration; Clean Water Act 404, 410, 1602 Streambed Alteration Agreement; and USFWS biological <br />assessment for a water diversion project on Little Butte Creek. <br />Colusa Basin Drainage District, Bureau of Reclamation, Freshwater Basin Watershed <br />Management Program, Technical Advisor. Provided technical advice, environmental analyses, and <br />agency coordination for a flood control feasibility study. <br />California Public Utilities Commission, Pacific Gas & Electric (PG &E) Company Hydro - <br />Divestiture Project EIR, Technical Director. Conducted a statewide biological assessment of the <br />potential effects of divestiture of multiple PG &E hydroelectric facilities and land holdings. Coordinated <br />staff of four companies. <br />Ai t,,, hr,, e n f� 1 Nie.L'r,i", <br />I N T E RMATIO N A L <br />20C -47 <br />