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2i Plan 1 <br />3 � Phase 2 1 UP No, 16 -02 <br />Storm Drain Master <br />Joyce Hunting j Grant Assistance <br />Ms. Hunting has 32 years of technical and practical experience <br />working in California's diverse natural environments. Her <br />experience includes preparing and managing the preparation of <br />environmental documents that comply with the requirements of <br />the National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA), California <br />Environmental Quality Act (CEQA), federal Endangered <br />Species Act (ESA), California Endangered Species Act, <br />California Public Utilities Commission (CPUC), California <br />Department of Transportation (Caltrans), Central Valley Flood <br />Protection Board, and local jurisdictions. She also has expertise <br />in the preparation of US Army Corps of Engineers Individual <br />and Nationwide Permit Applications, California Fish and Game <br />Code (FGC) 1602 Streambed Alteration Agreements, habitat <br />conservation plans, natural community conservation plans, <br />wetland delineation and restoration plans, biological resource <br />assessments and mitigation programs, and implementation of <br />habitat conservation and restoration plans. Ms. Hunting's <br />experience includes conducting public participation programs. <br />Ms. Hunting has been the project manager on several large -scale environmental investigations to <br />support NEPA and CEQA documents. She has managed technical studies and natural resource <br />impact analyses for mining projects throughout the state. She has also managed over $2 million of <br />biological investigations covering over 4,000 acres and 200 linear miles in support of an <br />environmental impact report (EIR) for large -scale wastewater storage /discharge /reuse facilities for the <br />Santa Rosa Regional Wastewater Treatment Plant. Ms. Hunting was the project manager for a large - <br />scale biological investigation and successful regulatory permitting effort for more than 400 miles of <br />fiber optic cable installation project for Level 3 Ltd. She was also the task lead in developing the <br />biological studies and Biological section for the PG &E Hydro Divestiture Project DEIR prepared for the <br />CPUC. In each of these projects, Ms. Hunting was a liaison between the biological team and other <br />team members, consultant representative to the lead agency on biological issues, and represented <br />the lead agency in regulatory agency discussions. She was also responsible for coordinating the field <br />teams and ensuring adequate data collection and analysis. <br />Recent Experience includes: <br />City of Elk Grove, Stormwater Program Regulatory Compliance, Project Manager. Prepared a <br />Clean Water Act 404 Regional General Permit, Section 401 Programmatic Water Quality Certification, <br />and ESA Section 7 programmatic biological assessment for the City's stormwater maintenance <br />program. Contributed to the Elk Grove Storm Drain Master Plan Preparation, grant preparation and <br />implementation. <br />Colusa Basin Drainage District, the Resources Agency, Sacramento River Restoration Project, <br />Glenn, Colusa and Yolo Counties, Project Manager. Worked with the Colusa Basin Drainage District <br />in formulating restoration projects to be funded through Proposition 12. Responsible for all necessary <br />permitting and environmental compliance documentation. Responsible for restoration design and <br />preparation of grant applications. <br />Tuolumne Land Trust, Clavey River Ecosystem Program Watershed Assessment, Project <br />Manager. Working with Stakeholders and the USFS, managed preparation of the Clavey River <br />Watershed Assessment and various grant applications. <br />tt?uchrnen {, i hesurn e:, <br />I N T A N AT I e N A4 <br />20C -46 <br />