benches, walls, ball diamond backstops, ball diamond dugouts, ball diamond and other
<br />sport concession areas /patios /perimeter areas and ball diamond bleachers and the
<br />pavement beneath them and other park amenities shall be washed/cleaned daily.
<br />7.2 The contractor shall rake, band remove, or vacuum leaves that are not absorbed by
<br />planting. This shall be done as often as required to maintain a neat appearance.
<br />7.3 After heavy windstorms or other inclement weather that impacts sites under this
<br />agreement, the Contractor shall bring in extra staff to clean all parks areas within two (2)
<br />days at no cost to the City. Debris (80 lbs. or less), such as but not limited to, litter, fallen
<br />branches, trash, limbs, branches, soil erosion, etc., shall be removed from the worksites.
<br />7.4 The Contractor shall keep sidewalks and all other paved areas clean and free of any
<br />debris, dirt, glass, weeds, leaves, etc. at all times.
<br />7.5 Drain inlets shall be chocked and if necessary cleaned once per day to avoid flooding of
<br />areas during inclement weather.
<br />7.6 Non - pedestrian parking lots, top of curbs, gutters, stamped or other enriched hard
<br />roadway surface areas, shall be thorougIy cleaned once per week.
<br />7.63 The Contractor shall hire a sub - contractor specializing in parking lot cleaning to
<br />clean the roadway and parking lots at Centennial Park. The work shall be
<br />performed by the sub - contractor in the early morning hours or at a time of day
<br />that will not disturb residents. If the work is to be performed during the day, the
<br />sub- contractor shall develop a strategy to close off parking lots to prevent people
<br />from parking so he /she may clean the entire parking lot.
<br />7.7 Vacuums, blowers, sweepers, shovels or other approved equipment may be used to clean
<br />hardscape areas. Debris shall not be blown or swept onto adjacent planters, streets or
<br />property. All debris must be thoroughly cleaned and picked up /removed from the site.
<br />All non - pedestrian pavement, curb top /bottom, gutters, etc. shall be thoroughly cleaned.
<br />Debris and litter that shall be cleaned includes, but is not limited to, leaves, twigs,
<br />branches, loose rock, sand, soil and trash. The City shall approve any equipment that is to
<br />be used for cleaning parking lots. Large trash items in excess of five inches length or
<br />width, a muddle of smaller items, spills, and any material (including tree /plant material)
<br />that creates a safety hazard shall be picked up daily.
<br />7.8 Daily Site Amenity Blowing & Cleaning — Contractor shall maintain site amenities,
<br />patios, pool decks, playground equipment, and pedestrian paved areas free of debris.
<br />Slap tags, tape, string, nails, push pins, wire, etc, shall be removed from, but not limited
<br />to, picnic tables, park benches, skate park, walls, planters, pool decks, raised curbing,
<br />railing, exterior of buildings, light standards, overhead shelters, etc.
<br />7.8,1 All barbecues shall have ashes, charcoal or any other materials removed once a
<br />week. Contractor shall paint the exterior of the BBQ's and the post with heat and
<br />rust resistant flat blackpaint whenever rust appears.
<br />7.9 All parks with flagpoles shall have an American flag displayed at all times. The
<br />Contractor shall visually inspect the flag every day to assure it is in good condition.
<br />Should, in the opinion of the Director's Representative, the flag is not be in good
<br />condition (faded, discolored, torn and /or having holes) the Contractor shall immediately
<br />