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2015 URBAN WATER MANAGEMENT PLAN <br />MWDOC's public education and outreach programs are described below: <br />School Education Programs <br />MWDOC school education programs reach more than 100,000 students per year. The program is broken <br />into elementary and high school components. <br />Elementary School Program reaches 60,000 students throughout Orange County through assemblies <br />hosted by the Discovery Science Center. MWDOC holds a $220,000 contract with the Discovery <br />Science Center, funded proportionally by the participating MWDOC retail agencies. <br />High School Program is new in 2015 -16 and will reach students in 20 high schools in Orange County. <br />The program is administered by MWDOC and operated by two contractors, the OC Department of <br />Education and the Ecology Center. Through the three -year contract, those agencies will train more <br />than 100 county teachers on water education on topics such as, water sources, water conservation, <br />water recycling, watersheds, and ecological solutions for the benefit of their current and future <br />students. Teachers will learn a variety of water conservation methods, such as irrigation technology, <br />rainwater harvesting, water recycling, and water foot - printing through a tour at the Ecology Center <br />facility. These trainings allow teachers to support student -led conservation efforts. The program will <br />reach a minimum of 25,000 students by providing in- classroom water education and helping students <br />Plan and implement campus wide "Water Expos" that will allow peer -to -peer instruction on water <br />issues. The $80,000 program is funded by participating agencies. <br />Value of Water Communication Program <br />MWDOC administers this program on behalf of 14 agencies. The $190,000 program involves the water <br />agencies developing 30 full news pages that will appear weekly in the Orange County Register, the <br />largest newspaper in the county, with a Sunday readership of 798,000. The campaign will educate OC <br />residents and business leaders on water infrastructure issues and water efficiency measures, as well as <br />advertise water related events and other pertinent information. <br />Quarterly Water Policy Dinners <br />The Water Policy Dinner events attract 225 to 300 water and civic leaders every quarter. The programs <br />host speakers topical to the OC water industry, with recent addresses from Felicia Marcus of the state <br />water board and Dr. Lucy Jones, a noted expert on earthquakes and their potential impact on <br />infrastructure. <br />Annual Water Summit <br />The annual Water Summit brings together 300 Orange County water and civic leaders with state and <br />national experts on water infrastructure and governance issues. The half -day event has a budget of <br />$80,000 per year. Portions of the cost are covered by attendance and sponsorships, while MWDOC splits <br />a portion with its event partner, OCW D. <br />Water Inspection Trips <br />Water Inspection trips take stakeholders on tours of the CRA, California Delta and other key water <br />infrastructure sites. The public trips are required under Metropolitan's regulations. Metropolitan covers the <br />cost of the trips. In the past years, the City participated in trips, each taking an average of 30 residents. <br /> 75E-60 <br />4 -4 <br />