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Executive Summary <br />Project Impacts <br />Table ES-1 provides a summary of project impacts, mitigation measures and <br />determination on the level of impact after the incorporation of mitigation <br />measures. <br />Summary of Project Alternatives <br />The Draft E I RJEA evaluates four alternatives to the project. <br />Alternative 1: (No Federal Action/No Project) <br />Under the No Federal Action/No Project Alternative the project would not be <br />implemented. Centennial Park and the Heritage Museum would continue to <br />operate as a community park and cultural resource learning center. <br />Alternative 2: Centennial Park Four Injection Wells/Heritage Park <br />Monitoring Well (Proposed Project) <br />Under the Proposed Project, four injections wells and associated water supply <br />and back flush pipeline would be constructed at Centennial Park andd', a below <br />ground monitoring well would be constructed at Heritage Museum. Under <br />Alterative 2 an estimated 12 MGD per day of additional groundwater recharge <br />capacity would be provided to replenish the Orange County Groundwater Basin, <br />Alternative 3. Centennial Park Three Injection Wells/Heritage Park <br />Monitoring Well (Reduced Intensity Alternative) <br />Under Alterative 3, three injections wells and associated water supply and back <br />flush, pipeline would be constructed at Centennial Park and a below ground <br />monitoring well would be constructed at Heritage Museum, Under Alterative 3 an <br />estimated 9 MGD of additional groundwater recharge capacity would be provided <br />to replenish the Orange County Groundwater Basin, <br />Alternative 4: Centennial Park Four Injection Wells/Heritage Park <br />Monitoring Well with Alternative Pipeline Alignment (Pipeline Resign <br />Alternative) <br />Under Alterative 4, four injections wells and associated water supply and back <br />flush pipeline would be constructed at Centennial Park and a below ground <br />monitoring well would be constructed at Heritage Museum. Under Alternative 4, <br />an alternative water supply pipeline alignment would be constructed that would <br />extend through open space area in Centennial Park. The water supply pipeline <br />would be the same approximate length and diameter as the water supply pipeline <br />in the Prosed Project and would involve the same mix of construction equipment <br />and construction activities, Under Alterative 4, an estimated 12 MGD of <br />1� <br />Mid Basin Centennial Park Iri 49 <br />'LecJ s Project Final EIR E5-4 <br />256- <br />