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Executive Summary <br />• The construction of the monitoring well sound wall at the Heritage <br />Museum would occur when school is not in session at Mitchell <br />Development School and Godinez High School. <br />• The construction of the MBI-5 Well sound wall would occur when school is <br />not in session at Centennial Education Center and Godinez High School. <br />• Paving activities at Centennial Park would be coordinated with Santa Ana <br />Unified School District and Centennial Education Center to minimize noise <br />impacts. <br />• <br />Well redevelopment maintenance activities for MBI-2, MBI-4 and the <br />monitoring well would occur when school is not is session. <br />Traffic CirculationlParking <br />After well drilling, well construction and well development activities are <br />completed the size of the work area will be reduced to free up available <br />parking at Centennial Park. <br />• To maintain safe circulation during the day along the Centennial Loop the <br />segment of water supply and back flush pipelines within Centennial Park <br />will constructed at night. <br />To minimize potential construction traffic congestion within Centennial <br />Park, all construction traffic entering Centennial Park would be required to <br />utilize the Edinger Avenue/Mohawk Drive Entrance. <br />Surface Water <br />To help to conserve domestic water with the City Santa Ana, groundwater <br />back flushed from OCWD injection wells would be used to maintain the <br />water level in Centennial Park. <br />To minimize surface water impacts a 10 foot wide by 200 foot long <br />pervious sidewalk would be constructed between Centennial Park Parking <br />Lot 5 to the proposed Shared recreation/Communication Structure 1 near <br />the soccer field complex. <br />Significant Unavoidable Adverse Impacts <br />There are no significant unavoidable adverse impacts associated with the <br />construction and operation of the Mid Basin Centennial Park Injection Well <br />Project. <br />Mid Basin Centennial Park Ina'6 4 <br />eal s Project F R inal E ES-3 <br />Z5- <br />