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r�:7:rt�ri <br />purchased, based on availability, for a cost equivalent to the refurbishment costs <br />incurred by OCTA, <br />7.0 Service Plan Adoption <br />Participating jurisdictions shall submit to OCTA a SMP Service Plan which defines <br />program services (Exhibit A). The Service Plan must be submitted using a <br />template provided by OCTA and must be adopted by the jurisdiction's governing <br />body and approved by the OCTA Board of Directors. Any deviation from the <br />adopted SMP Service Plan must be submitted to OCTA in advance for review and <br />approval and will require an amendment to the cooperative funding agreement <br />prior to implementing a change in program services, <br />8.0 Eligible Expenses <br />Participating jurisdictions shall ensure M2 funds are used for eligible direct <br />program- related expenses which may include contract service providers, staff <br />time, vehicle maintenance, fuel, insurance, vehicle acquisition, program supplies <br />and materials, marketing materials, and community outreach. Jurisdictions shall <br />ensure all costs are program- related and are fair and reasonable. Administrative <br />costs up to 10 percent are allowed and considered eligible program expenses. All <br />program expenses are subject to audit. <br />No M2 funding shall be used by a jurisdiction for other than transportation purposes <br />authorized in the M2 Ordinance. <br />9.0 Program Revenue <br />Participating jurisdictions must maintain adequate controls for collecting and <br />reporting program revenue, including donations, fees, and cash fares. Program <br />revenue must be used to support the transportation service and may be used as <br />part of the jurisdiction's 20 percent local match requirement. <br />10.0 Reporting <br />Participating jurisdictions are required to submit monthly reports using a reporting <br />template provided by OCTA (Exhibit B). Required monthly reporting data may <br />include, but is not limited to, the following: <br />• Number of Trips by Category <br />• Vehicle Service Hours <br />• Vehicle Service Miles <br />5: \TEMP \5ue D \A9enc1e5\5MF - Attachment B.clocx <br />EXHIBIT 1 _4..I P a g.e <br />25B -17 <br />