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• Program Cost Detail by Expense Category and % of Total Operating Cost <br />• Fares, Fees and Other Operating Revenue <br />o Jurisdiction Total Contribution & Source <br />• Jurisdiction Share as % of Total Operating Cost <br />• Cumulative Jurisdiction Share to Date <br />• OCTA Contribution <br />• OCTA Contribution as % of Total Operating Cost <br />o Cumulative Contribution Received from OCTA <br />• Total Monthly Program Operating Cost <br />• Cumulative Total Program Operating Cost <br />Jurisdictions shall also be required to maintain supporting documentation to <br />substantiate reporting data. Supporting documentation may include, but is not <br />limited to, actual receipts, contractor invoices, trip sheets, payroll, timesheets, fuel <br />logs, and maintenance records /receipts, <br />Reports are due by the last day of the following month. A preliminary report may <br />be submitted; however, submission of a final report is required within 15 days of <br />the last day of the following month. Failure to meet the established reporting <br />deadline for two months at any time during the fiscal year may result in future <br />withholding of funding and /or other sanctions to be determined. <br />11.0 .Audits & inspection of Records <br />M2 funding is subject to audit. Jurisdictions shall maintain program documentation <br />and records for a period of no less than five years. Program documents and <br />records, including but not limited to payroll, trip sheets, invoices, vehicle <br />maintenance, fuel, and other program- related expenses, shall be available for <br />review by OCTA SMP administrators, auditors, and authorized agents upon <br />request. Jurisdictions must follow established accounting requirements and <br />applicable laws regarding the use of public funds. Failure to submit to an audit in <br />a timely manner may result in withholding or loss of future funding. Failure to <br />comply with the approved Service Plan will require remediation which may include <br />repayment, reduction in overall allocation, and /or other sanctions to be determined <br />by the OCTA Board of Directors. <br />Audits shall be conducted by the OCTA Internal Audit Department, or other <br />authorized agent, as determined by OCTA. <br />OCTA's failure to insist in any one or more instances of a jurisdiction's performance <br />of the provisions set forth in these guidelines shall not be construed as a waiver or <br />relinquishment of the jurisdiction's obligation to comply with these guidelines. <br />Moreover, only the OCTA Board of Directors shall have the authority to alter and /or <br />waive any requirements /obligations set forth in these guidelines. <br />5; \T[MP \Sue D\Agencles \SMP- Attachment B.docx <br />EXHIBIT 1 5lPage <br />25B -18 <br />