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Last modified
4/4/2017 11:50:14 AM
Creation date
7/28/2016 3:27:33 PM
Company Name
Siemens Industry, Inc.
Contract #
Public Works
Council Approval Date
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City # 15-6830 <br />FED # HSIPL 5063(154) <br />Local Assistance Procedures Manual Exhibit 12-G <br />Required Federal -aid Contract Language <br />3. Work requires a contractor's license and listed DBE does not have a valid license under <br />Contractors License Law. <br />4. Listed DBE fails or refuses to perform the work or furnish the listed materials. <br />5. Listed DBE's work is unsatisfactory and not in compliance with the contract. <br />6. Listed DBE is ineligible to work on the project because of suspension or debarment. <br />7. Listed DBE becomes bankrupt or insolvent. <br />8. Listed DBE voluntarily withdraws with written notice from the Contract <br />9. Listed DBE is ineligible to receive credit for the type of work required. <br />10. Listed DBE owner dies or becomes disabled resulting in the inability to perform the work on <br />the Contract. <br />11. Agency determines other documented good cause. <br />Notify the original DBE of your intent to use other forces or material sources and provide the reasons. <br />Provide the DBE with 5 days to respond to your notice and advise you and the Agency of the reasons why the <br />use of other forces or sources of materials should not occur. Your request to use other forces or material <br />sources must include: <br />1. One or more of the reasons listed in the preceding paragraph <br />2. Notices from you to the DBE regarding the request <br />3. Notices from the DBEs to you regarding the request <br />If a listed DBE is terminated or substituted, you must make good faith efforts to find another DBE to <br />substitute for the original DBE. The substitute DBE must perform at Least the same amount of work as the <br />original DBE under the contract to the extent needed to meet the DBE goal. <br />The substitute DBE must be certified as a DBE at the time of request for substitution. <br />Unless the Agency authorizes (1) a request to use other forces or sources of materials or (2) a good faith effort <br />for a substitution of a terminated DBE, the Agency does not pay for work listed on the Exhibit 15-G Local <br />Agency Bidder DBE Commitment (Construction Contracts) form unless it is performed or supplied by the <br />listed DBE or an authorized substitute. <br />2. BID OPENING <br />The Agency publicly opens and reads bids at the time and place shown on the Notice to Bidders. <br />3. BID RIGGING <br />The U.S. Department of Transportation (DOT) provides a toll-free hotline to report bid rigging activities. Use <br />the hotline to report bid rigging, bidder collusion, and other fraudulent activities. The hotline number is <br />(800) 424-9071. The service is available 24 hours 7 days a week and is confidential and anonymous.. The <br />hotline is part of the DOT's effort to identify and investigate highway construction contract fraud and abuse <br />and is operated under the direction of the DOT Inspector General. <br />4. CONTRACTAWARD <br />If the Agency awards the contract, the award is made to the lowest responsible bidder. <br />5. CONTRACTOR LICENSE <br />The Contractor must be properly licensed as a contractor from contract award through Contract acceptance <br />(Public Contract Code § 10164). <br />6. DIFFERING SITE CONDITIONS <br />a. Contractor's Notification <br />Promptly notify the Agency's Engineer if you find either of the following conditions: <br />1. Physical conditions differing materially from either of the following: <br />Page 5 of 22 <br />DLA -OB 13-06 August 12, 2013 <br />
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