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MAYOR <br />Miguel A. Pulido <br />MAYOR PRO TEM <br />Claudia C, Alvarez <br />COUNCILMEMBERS <br />David Benavides <br />Carlos Bustamante <br />Michele Martinez <br />Vincent F. Sarmiento <br />Sal Tinajero <br />February 19, 2016 <br />ADDENDUM No. ONE <br />CITY OF SANTA ANA <br />PUBLIC WORKS AGENCY M-36 <br />P.O. Box 1988 <br />Santa Ana, California 92702 <br />SUBJECT: PROJECT No. 15-2647: Memory Lane Santa Ana River Park <br />INTERIM CITY MANAGER <br />Paul M. Walters <br />CITY ATTORNEY <br />Sonia Carvalho <br />CLERK OF THE COUNCIL <br />Maria D. Huizar <br />The following changes have been made to the plans and specifications of the subject project: <br />Plans <br />Replace sheets GR -1 (4 of 28), UT -1 (5 of 28), LC -1 (8 of 28), LI -1 (23 of 28) and LP -1 <br />(27 of 28) with the attached sheets GRA (4 of 28), UT -1 (5 of 28), LC -1 (8 of 28), LI -1 <br />(23 of 28) and LP -1 (27 of 28). <br />Specifications <br />1. Replace sheets P-1, P-2 and P-3 (of P-17) with the attached sheets P-1, P-2 and P-3 (of <br />P-17). <br />2. Page 21, Section 7-8.6.2 Best Management Practices (BMPs): revise paragraph 1, to <br />read as follows: <br />"Contractor shall provide erosion and sediment control per plan included in the Contract <br />Documents. If Contract wants to implement an alternative plan, Contract shall prepare <br />erosion and sediment control plans immediately after the award of the contract, for <br />approval by the Engineer. The plan shall be prepared per the applicable guidelines <br />described in the California Storm Water Best Management Practices Handbook. The <br />Contractor shall submit the plans for review and shall make the necessary revisions to <br />the plans as directed by the Engineer. The plans shall be prepared by a licensed Civil <br />Engineer. The AGENCY may waive the requirement of licensed Civil Engineer if the <br />Contractor can satisfactorily prove to the Engineer that the person preparing the erosion <br />control plan is qualified in the field of erosion control. " <br />3. Page 61, Section 3.02.19.C.3 PLANTING OPERATIONS, Trees and Shrubs, Root <br />Control Barrier: add third paragraph as follows: <br />"For park locations, root control barrier shall be 18 -inch wide minimum by 0.06 -inch <br />thick high impact polystyrene sheeting, manufactured for root barrier purposes. <br />Sheeting shall have root deflector ribbing and pre -molded joiner strips of the same <br />material, and shall be utilized wherever tree occurs within 6'-0" of hardscaped areas." <br />