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August 9, 2013 <br />ADDENDUM No. ONE <br />PROJECT No. 10-7557 <br />Page 2 <br />4. Appendix A, Definition of Bid Items, Page 1, Bid Item No. 1 - Mobilization: revise <br />section to read as follows: <br />"Payment for "Mobilization," will be made on a lump sum (L. S.) basis, as specified in the <br />Bidder's Proposal, which shall include all costs for furnishing all labor, profit, taxes, <br />fees, incidentals, materials, equipment and permits/authorization for use of a <br />construction staging area(s), erosion control, signage and equipment, construction <br />fencing, provide temporary utilities including but not limited to power and construction <br />water and implement, and perform all the work involved and required perform the work <br />per plan and specification." <br />5. Appendix A, Definition of Bid Items, Page 2, Bid Item No. 4 - Drainage and Domestic <br />Water: revise section to read as follows: <br />"Payment for "Drainage and Domestic Water "will be made on a lump (L. S.) basis, as <br />specified in the Bidder's Proposal, which shall include all costs for furnishing all labor, <br />profit, taxes, materials, tools, equipment, and incidentals, and performing all the work <br />involved and required to place, furnish and install fiber roll, furnishing and install gravel <br />bag, construction entrances, traffic control cost, storm drain inlet protection, <br />trench/excavate/shore, place bedding, furnish equipment and backfill/compact <br />trenching, furnish and install all pipe to connect to catch basins and area drains <br />including play area and Maxwell deep well systems, furnish and install two 1"hot tap <br />service lines within Memory Lane, (2) 1"meters pressure reducer backflow assembly <br />(backflow for irrigation meter to be included in irrigation bid item), furnish and install all <br />PVC schedule 80 pipe and fitting, concrete thrust blocks, backfill, compact sterilize and <br />disinfect pipe and complete hydrostatic test and provide utility connections in <br />accordance with the plans, details and specifications." <br />6. Appendix A, Definition of Bid Items, Page 2, Bid Item No. 6 - Lighting Fixtures and <br />Footings: add the following sentence to the section: <br />This item does not include fixtures for picnic shelter." <br />Appendix A, Definition of Bid Items, Page 2, Bid Item No. 7 — Electrical Services, <br />Controls, Trenching and Conduit: add the following sentences to the section: <br />"This item does not include electrical service for picnic shelter." <br />8. Appendix A, Definition of Bid Items, Page 3: add Bid Item No. 7a — Electrical Service <br />Connection to SCE Point of Connection: add the following section: <br />Bid Item No. 7a- Electrical Service Connection to SCE Point of Connection: <br />Payment for "Electrical Service Connection to SCE Point of Connection" will be made <br />on a linear foot (L. F.) basis, as specified in the Bidder's Proposal, which include all <br />costs for furnishing all labor, profit, taxes, materials, tools, equipment, and incidentals, <br />required and performing all work involved and required to provide trenching, provision <br />