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Page 12 of 20 <br />-�� Q.$, Dapafhucnt <br />Mlf Orticeori'lluccPrugrams AWARDCON'rINUAT[Opt <br />8"I'eauufJusticeAssistance SHEET <br />Gra lit <br />PROJLCr NUIDOen ars Dl- RX-0746 <br />AWARD DATE 0/1612016 <br />i <br />SPECIAL CONo7TlON5 <br />21. Compliance with 411f.S.C.4712(including prohibitions oil reprlsnl; notice to employee,) <br />The recipient must comply with, and is subject to, alt applicable provisions of 41 US.C. 4712, including all applicable <br />Provisions that prohibit, under specified circumstances, discrimination <br />against an employee as reprisal for the <br />- amployee'sdishority relating to a fed related to gross mtmuanagement of a federal grant. a gross westo of Federal lurrd% <br />an abuse of autharitgrelating ro a tkdarai grant, a Substantial <br />and specific danger to public health or safety, era <br />vialation of Iaw,. ml a' or ram"miml related to a federal grant <br />' <br />Tlne recipient also must in form its employees; in writing (and in the prodomhrant native language of the work force), o f <br />employes rights and remedies tinder 41 U.S.C. 4712. <br />Should a question arise asto the apidicability 0fthe provisions 0fItI U.S.C. 4712 to this award, the recipient is to <br />contact . the Do' awarding agency (t7JP or OVW, as <br />- <br />appropriate) for guidance. <br />22. Encnurag6ment OF put Race to ban text messaging while driving <br />Pursuant to Executive Order 175,13, "Federal Leadership on Reducing q'ext Messaging While Driving," 74 Fed, RaQ <br />51225 (October I, 2000), 001. encourages <br />recipients and subrcarpfegts ( "subgmntzes ")to adapt mid anfaFaa policies <br />banning rd, and to @ore tekt me§seging.WhIle driving any vehicle . during the course of perPonning work: funded <br />award, :and to astabfisli workplace <br />by this <br />safety policies mid conduct education, awareness, and Other monmeh to decrease <br />crashes caused by distracted drivers. <br />23, The recipient agrees to comply with O.IP grant monitoring guidelines, protocols, mid procedures, and to cooperate with <br />BIA and OCFO on all grant eronimringrequests, including requests related <br />to desk reviews, enhanced pa grmlmoule <br />desk reviews, and/or site visi ts. The recipient agrees 10 provideto BJA and OCFO off documentation necessary to <br />complete monitoring tasks, including documentation related <br />to any subawards made tinder this award. Further, the <br />- raatpienuagre"" to abide by reasonable deadlines setby BJA and OCFO farproviding <br />the requested documonc' <br />Pailurv;to cooparateWith, WA's /OCFO`s grant montoring activities may result in smmtiuns affecting the recipient`s <br />pOd-awurdsainetudirtg, but not limbed <br />- <br />m: wilhhn[drugs and /or other reshtchons on the recipients access la grant <br />cuss t <br />ftmds; referral to doe Orfice of the Inspector General fbraudit review; dmigaabou <br />nl'tltc recipient as <br />grefllee: or lertllnantma of an award(s� High Risk <br />' <br />4 24 The incipient agrees to comply with applicable requirements 10 report 13rsFtice sublimating of $25,000 or more acrd, in <br />certain circumstances, to %fain (he Roes and total compensation of (be five most highly compensated executives <br />I and ftreSRS 5ubmcipients <br />of <br />ofawnrd k[mds. Stroh da[nwi(( besubmltmdta the FFATA Subawurd <br />Report <br />Rcponfng System (FSRS) the detailsoFraciptrnE abtigafiana, <br />which derive Rom rho Federe( Pointing Aacnvntability <br />afld Trpnapuranoy Ac' a €2006 (FFATA ), are post¢d do the OYYfea oPJustfce Prbgrpins' We (t Bite at <br />http: /fujp,guvolundi.11 spiorelFMAFA.hhn <br />(Award canddioI ftsporYing 9ubahvards and Escotnive t2omPer, orlon), and <br />are i om era it by raYaraonc here. 'I his emtdiffou, and its is aing' requirement,. <br />does not apply to Som awards made <br />to an Individual whd raenived the award as a natural pzrson (Lo., unrelated to any business or aoo profit townnzation <br />that.. he or sbe may o'm oroper ue in his or her name). <br />25' Program income (as defined in the Part 200 Uniform. Requircuum S) must be used in accordance tvftln the provisions of <br />flio part 200 Uni lunar Requirements. Program income a <br />eantings antl expenditures hot[' must be reported on lac stops <br />Federal Financial Report, SF A2A y <br />- <br />op rlu'v1.100er21 CV.a -8a) <br />C� <br />25H -37 <br />