>, U.S. Department orlusuia
<br />.x OrkeOrhaticeprograms AWARD CONTINUATION
<br />Bureau Of Justice Assistance S"Er
<br />PBGH m OF ti
<br />" Grant
<br />PROJEC1714U,bmnn ZOO,EJ- aXA746
<br />AWARD DATE 081K20 16
<br />SpGCuL CO3VL) /TI0,VS
<br />34. Approval of this award does not indicate approval of any consultant rate in excess oP$640 per Jay, A derailed
<br />Obligation O reuse be submitted h and approved by the Office of Justice Prosmun, (OJ P).progrnm office prior to
<br />Obligation nr must
<br />of such funds,
<br />35, 'tile grantee Asia,,, to o- assist HIA in complying with the National Environmental policy Act (NEPA), the Nnrimud
<br />roarnic Preservation Act, and other relined fbdara( environmental impact analyses requirements in the useational
<br />grant funds, either directly by the grantee or by A subgmntce, Accordingly, the grant t, agrees to first datarmarm if any
<br />or the following activities will be funded by die grant, . prior to Obligating funds for any of these purposes. Irlt is
<br />determined that any of fgtlawing activities will be funded by the grant; the grantee agrees to contact H1A,
<br />Tile, grantee understands that this special condition applies 10 its following,,,w aotivities whether d not they um being
<br />sPGOlfically funded wi(tr these grunt lands. Thee is, as long as the activity isbe!ng Conducted w eth the grantee, a
<br />sungranteB, orany third party Aetd the aativlty needs to uo undertaken at order to use b Roads, this special
<br />eondit(on must firstbBmet. The activities covered by tfiis spe¢iaf rotation ore;
<br />n. NBW COnatraCttOrt:
<br />b, blItmr repONadgn Or rB(1radUltng nfa pmpeeay IOCBIBd aft an environmentally ar Ohnoricallysasltive area, Relating
<br />properciBS located within a I oV -year loud plait, atvetland, oe habitat >for endangered species, or a property listed on or
<br />elisibla far lishng on die Nations! RagisYer of Flistaxio PluGas;
<br />c. Ar,novanon, tense, or eery proposed usadfabu' ildiug or
<br />eddy (list will either (a) result in tt change in its basic
<br />ptionnse ae(b)slgnlficnntlq change iFS.size;.
<br />ad, hnplemenlation Of0 a so ad am activity And the use ad It needs Other than Chemicals that are Purchased as an
<br />tiden u convpan¢nt Of a so ad Aztvtty aft<t ('h)traditionalty nuad fur example, in Off"", Im"'I'Old, rceroationat, or
<br />adieaahon znuironments: and
<br />a, Implementation Ora program relating to clandestine identifcation,seiue, or glostre Ofalandastne mncthamph etaulma laboratory Operations, ihGlhJlns tile laboratories.
<br />The gmutae understands and agrees that complying with NEPA may require the preparation oral, Environmental
<br />Assessment and/or an Envtmnmentat (raped Statement, as directed by BJA The grantee further understands and
<br />agrees to the requirements for tmpleaiacntat al ON Mitigations Plan, as detailed at
<br />http:! /tvWw ojp, undo }.gov([;JAtresnumukrepn.hipti, for programs. relating to thathomphemmine fahoratory operatlOns.
<br />Application of'fhls Spacial mCoalition
<br />or a OJvur Grantee's 2tdsthm programs or Activities: Ppr any of tile grantce's or its
<br />from 1 JA, agrees s to programs or hOtivitlas that will. be funded by these grant fiends, the grantee, updn speaifiO request
<br />from t funded ed proto ni or cooperate With as
<br />in any preparation by HJA are national or program environmental assessmens
<br />of that funded program Or activity:
<br />35. The recipient is required to astablish a host Road account. ('rise trust fiend may or "lay nut he set 6ncrest•boaring
<br />anCOnnt.)'the Rod, including any Interest, may not be used to pay debts Or expenses incurred by other activities beyond
<br />lh, scnpC ofthe [idward Hyme Memorial JustiCa Asstsulnce Giant Program (JAG), The recipient also. Agcers to obligate
<br />the grant finds !n the trust fund (including any interest Coined) during the pariodoCthe grant andaependwldto Obligate
<br />days. e rograc Ally 1, us,, oted or unexpended fiends, including interest earned. must be returned to the.G�ce of
<br />Justice Programs atlhe time ofclOSanut,
<br />77, JAG thuds may be nto to parches) vests fur an agency, but they may not be used as the 50% match for purposes orthe
<br />l3ullegnonFVes[ Pmpn¢rsh(p g3 VP) Program,
<br />Olf PORN aCO/Z(REV_ 1 -88)
<br />25H -39
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