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C. In the event that alternative technology or resources becomes available that is more cost- effective or <br />efficient than the existing service in exchanging records and documents, the use of the existing service <br />may be modified by mutual agreement of the PHAs. <br />V. Performance <br />The PHAs entering into this MOA will retain sufficient resources to meet the anticipated workload that <br />may be generated as a result of this MOA. Should an unanticipated event or emergency occur that <br />has an impact upon the Host PHA's ability to complete an inspection within the performance criteria <br />set forth in this MOA, the Host PHA will notify the Issuing PHA, The Issuing PHA will determine which of <br />the following options is to be taken: (1) Performing the inspection themselves, or; (2) Extending the <br />timeframe that the Host PHA has to complete the inspection, based upon a mutually agreeable period <br />by each respective PHA. <br />VI. Agreement Limitations <br />This MOA is intended solely for the purpose of administering the Housing Choice Voucher (HCV) <br />Program, and no other programs administered by the PHAs entering into this MOA. This MOA will not <br />conflict with, nor prejudice, any federal regulations governing Portability procedures under the Housing <br />Choice Voucher (HCV) Program as they relate to any other PHAs who are not a party to this MOA. <br />VII. Yearly Exchange of F=iles <br />On an annual basis, each PHA entering into this MOA has the option of undertaking the necessary <br />procedures to exchange with the appropriate Issuing PHA the administration of an agreed-upon <br />number of Vouchers administered by any other PHA covered in this MOA, It is emphasized that this <br />yearly exchange of files/assisted tenants is optional, and dependent upon a mutual agreement between <br />the respective PHAs in this MOA. If agreed upon, such yearly exchanges will occur when mutually <br />convenient and shall represent a one -for -ane exchange when feasible. PHAs will also insure that there <br />is uniformity regarding documentation, including owner tax identification of any such files exchanged. <br />VIII. Termination of Participation <br />A It is hereby agreed that a PHA may terminate its participation in this MOA at any time after <br />submitting a written notice to all the PHAs that have entered into this MOA. Such notice will occur no <br />later than ninety (90) calendar days prior to taking such action. The termination of participation in this <br />MOA by any PHA shall not result in the termination of the entire MOA, and the MOA shall continue <br />among or between the remaining PHAs covered by this MOA. <br />Page 6 of 12 <br />