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11VAC"OE �l4/ tc_ <br />. ... .. . ... ............... . . ............. . <br />CNA CNA PARAM01UNT <br />Technology General Liability Extension Endorsement <br />B. SoWy for the purpose of the coverage provided by this paragraph, DEFINITIONS �s amended to delete the <br />M efinition of insured contract in its entirety, and replace it with the following�: <br />I = W mvp rr. Wy. 0 M m M. M.- L;n <br />The allegations in the suit and the information! the Insurer knows about the offense afleged in such suit <br />are such that no conflict appears to exist between the interests of the Insured and the interests of the <br />lndemnitee� <br />So long as the above conditions are met, attorneys fees incurred by the Insurer in the defense of that <br />indernnitee, necessary litigation expenses incurred by the �nsurer, and necessary iifigiation expenses incurred <br />by the indemnftee at the Insurer's request wili be paid as defense costs. Notwithstanding the provisions of <br />Paragraph e.(2) of the Contractual Liability exclusion (as arnendad by this Endorsement), suc:h payments; will <br />not be deemed to be damages for personal! and advertisiling injury and will not reduce the Hmits of: <br />insurance, <br />D. This PERSONAL AND ADVERTISING INJURY - LIMITED CONTRACTUAL LIABILITY Provision does not apply <br />9 Coverage B —Personal and Advertising Injury Liability is: excluded by another endorsement attached' to this <br />Coverage Part. <br />CS <br />0 17. PROPERTY DAMAGE —ELEVATORS <br />A. Under COVERAGES, Coverage A — Bodily Injury and Property Damage Liability, the paragraph entitled' <br />Exclusions is amended such thatthe Damageto Your Product Exdusion and subparagraphis (3), (4) and (6) of <br />the Damage to Property Excluis�oni do not apply to property damage that results from the use of elevators, <br />B. Slotely for the purpose of the coverage provided by this PROPERTY DAMAGE — ELEVATORS Provis�on, the <br />Other Insurance conditions is amended to add the following paragiraph� <br />This insurance is excess: over any of' the other insurance, whether primiaryi, excess, contingent or on any other <br />basis that is Property insurance covering property of others damaged from the use of elevators, <br />75U.513�L �M�W <br />A. Paragraph 11.1b. is amended to delete the $250 firrit shown for the cost of ball bonds and replace it with a $5,000. <br />firrift; and <br />B. Paragraph Id. is amended to delete the limit of $2510 shown for daily loss of earnings and replace It with a <br />$1,000, fimit, <br />Z 0 nm .71 rl <br />WUR <br />........... <br />::::::: F, - F yarrage, and this limit: <br />C NA74872XX (1 - 15) <br />Page 13 of 14 <br />The Continental Insurance Col. <br />insured Name: HAGERTY CONSULTING, INC. <br />PodoyNo: 60237410 11 <br />domement No,'4 <br />Effective Date: 0i / 0 1 / 2 0 <br />Copyright CNA AM Rights Reserved. Includes copyrighted material at insurance SeNces 01fim, Inc., Ath Its permlaslon, <br />