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CNA CN'A PARAMOUNT <br />Technology General Liability Extension Endorsement <br />ItIJ5 1 1111 111 <br />af-11 1 0 k1 kiEl''i <br />Under CONDITIONS, the condition entftled Transfer Of Rights Of Recovery Against Others To Us is amenclied to <br />add the following. - <br />The Inslurer waives any right of recovery the insurer may have against any person or, organization because of <br />por injury or damage arising out of. <br />1. the Named Insured's ongoing operations„ or <br />2. your work included in the productscompleted operations hazard. <br />However, this walver applies, only when the Named Insured has agreed in writing to waive such righits of recovery in <br />a written contract or written agreement, and only if such contract or agreement: <br />I., is int effect or becomes effective during the term of this Coverage Part and <br />2. was executed prior to the bodily injury, property damage or personal and advertising injury giving rise to the <br />claim, <br />'This endorsement, which forms a part of and is f:or attachment to the Policy lssued by, the designated insurers, take's effect <br />on the effective date lot said Policy at, the hour stated in said Policy, unle:ss another effective date is shown be�ow, and <br />expire!s concurrently wfth said Policy, <br />,7- <br />CNA74872XX (1 oy"Nd <br />Page 14 of 14 Endorsement leo� <br />The Continental Insurance Co. Effective Data,, <br />Insured blame;' RAGERITY CONSULTING, INC. <br />Cc pyrtght CNA All Rights, Reserved Includes wpyrlghlad ruAterial of imurance SoMces Offico, Im., with do, pF.)rrslwMon, <br />60 '3°74106'9 <br />4 <br />01/01/2017 <br />