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Page 16 of 20 <br />U.S. Department of Justice <br />Office of Justice Programs <br />Bureau of Justice Assistance <br />1 PROJECTNUMBER 2016-DJ-BX-0746 <br />AWARD CONTINUATION <br />SHEET <br />Grant <br />AWARDDATE 08/16/2016 <br />PAGE 12 OF 13 <br />SPECIAL CONDITIONS <br />46. The recipient understands that, pursuant to recommendation 2A of Executive Order 13688, law enforcement agencies <br />that acquire controlled equipment through Federal programs most adopt robust and specific written policies and <br />protocols governing General Policing Standards and Specific Controlled Equipment Standards, General Policing <br />Standards includes policies on (a) Community Policing; (b) Constitutional Policing; and (c) Community Input and <br />Impact Considerations, Specific Controlled Equipment Standards includes policies specifically related to (a) <br />Appropriate Use of Controlled Equipment; (b) Supervision of Use; (c) Effg and <br />ectiveness Evaluation; (d) Auditing Accountability; and (e) Transparency and Notice Considerations. Upon ffti request, the recipient agrees provide <br />protocols. <br />a copy of the General Policing Standards and Specific Controlled Equipment Standards, and any related policies and <br />47, Recipient understands and agrees that the purchase or acquisition of any item on the Controlled Expenditure List at the <br />time of purchase or acquisition, including as the list may be amended from time to time, with award Ponds by an agency <br />will trigger a requirement that the agency collect and retain Ubr at least 3 years) certain information about the use of 1) <br />any federally -acquired Controlled Equipment in the agency's inventory, and 2) any other controlled equipment in the <br />same category as the federally -acquired controlled equipment in the agency's inventory, regardless of source; and <br />make that information available to BJA upon request. Details about what information most lie collected and retained <br />may be accessed Isere:,pdf <br />48. Recipient understands and agrees that failure to comply with conditions related to Prohibited or Controlled <br />Expenditures may result in a prohibition from further Controlled Expenditure approval under this or other federal <br />awards. <br />49. Recipient understands and agrees that award funds may not be used for items that are listed on the Prohibited <br />Expenditure List at the time of purchase or acquisition, including as the list may be amended front time to time. The <br />Prohibited Expenditure list may be accessed here: https://www.bja.90v/funding/JAGControlledPurch, seList.pdf, <br />50. Recipient understands and agrees that, notwithstanding 2 CFR § 200313, no equipment listed on the Controlled <br />Expenditure List that is purchased under this award may be transferred or sold to a third party, except as described <br />below: <br />a. Agencies may transfer or sell any controlled equipment, except riot helmets and riot shields, to a Law Enforcement <br />Agency (LEA) after obtaining prior written approval from BJA. As a condition of that approval, the acquiring LEA will <br />be required to submit information and certifications to BJA as if it was requesting approval to use award fund for the <br />initial purchase of items on the Controlled Expenditure List. <br />It, Agencies may not transfer or sell any riot helmets or riot shields purchased under this award. <br />c. Agencies may not transfer or sell any Controlled Equipment purchased under this award to non -LEAS, with the <br />exception of fixed wing aircraft, rotary wing aircraft, and command and control vehicles, Before any such transfer or <br />sale is finalized, the agency must obtain prior written approval from BJA. All law enforcement -related and otter <br />sensitive or potentially dangerous components, and all law enforcement insignias and identifying markings must be <br />removed prior to transfer or sale. <br />Recipient further understands and agrees to notify BJA pilot to the disposal of any items on the Controlled Expenditure <br />List purchased under this award, and to abide by any applicable laws and regulations in such disposal. <br />51. The recipient may not expend or draw down any funds under this award until it has submitted to the Bureau of Justice <br />Assistance (BJA) the required certification related to its body -worn camera policies and procedures and a Grant <br />Adjustment Notice has been issued removing this special condition. <br />ON FORM 4000/2 (REV. 4-88) <br />Jq1 <br />4 Y <br />