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Page 15 of 20 <br />_ U.S. Department of Justice <br />Office of Justice Programs AWARD CONTINUATION <br />F Bureau of Justice Assistance SHEET PAGE n OF 13 <br />Grant <br />PROJECT NUMBER 2016-DJ-BX-0746 AWARD DATE 08/16/2016 <br />SPEC/AL CONDITIONS <br />38. Ballistic -resistant and stab -resistant body armor purchased with JAG Ponds may be purchased at any threat level, make <br />or model, from any distributor or manufacturer, as long as the vests have been tested and found to comply with <br />applicable National Institute of Justice ballistic or stab standards and are listed on the NIJ Compliant Body Armor <br />Model List ( In addition, ballistic -resistant and stab -resistant body armor purchased must be American - <br />made. The latest NIJ standard information can be found here: hnp://www.nii gov/topics/technology/body-annoy/safety- <br />initiative.htm. <br />39, The recipient agrees to submit a signed certification that all law enforcement agencies receiving vests purchased with <br />JAG funds have a written "mandatory wear" policy in effect. Fiscal agents and state agencies must keep signed <br />certifications on file for any subrecipients planning to utilize JAG funds for ballistic -resistant and stab -resistant body <br />armor purchases. This policy must be in place for at least all uniformed officers before any JAG funding can be used by <br />the agency for body armor. There are no requirements regarding the nature of the policy other than it be a mandatory <br />wear policy for all uniformed officers while on duty. <br />40. The recipient agrees to monitor subawards under this JAG award in accordance with all applicable statutes, regulations, <br />OMB circulars, and guidelines, including the DOJ Financial Guide, and to include the applicable conditions of this <br />award in any subaward. The recipient is responsible for oversight ofsubreciplent spending and monitoring ofspecific <br />outcomes and benefits attributable to use of JAG funds by subrecipients. The recipient agrees to submit, upon request, <br />documentation of its policies and procedures for monitoring of subawards under this award. <br />41. The recipient agrees that funds received under this award will not be used to supplant State or local Ponds, but will be <br />used to increase the amounts of such funds that would, in the absence of Federal funds, be made available for law <br />enforcement activities. <br />42, Award recipients must submit quarterly Federal Financial Reports (SF-425) and semi-annual performance reports <br />through GMS ( Consistent with the Department's responsibilities under the Goverment <br />Performance and Results Act (GPRA), P.L. 103-62, applicants who receive funding under this solicitation must <br />provide data that measure the results of their work. Therefore, quarterly performance metrics reports most be submitted <br />through BJA's Performance Measurement Tool (PMT) website ( For more detailed <br />information on reporting and other JAG requirements, refer to the JAG reporting requirements webpage. Failure to <br />submit required JAG reports by established deadlines may result in the freezing of grant funds and future High Risk <br />designation. <br />43. Any law enforcement agency receiving direct or sub -awarded JAG funding must submit quarterly accountability <br />metrics data related to training that officers have received on the use of force, racial and ethnic bias, de-escalation of <br />conflict, and constructive engagement with the public. <br />44. BJA strongly encourages the recipient to submit annual (or more frequent) JAG success stories. To submit a success <br />story, sign in to your My BJA account at to access the Success Story Submission foam. <br />If you do not yet have a My BJA account, please register at Once you register, one of <br />the available areas on your My BJA page will be "My Success Stories". Within this box, you will see an option to add a <br />Success Story. Once reviewed and approved by BJA, all success stories will appear on the new BJA Success Story web <br />page at https://www,, <br />45. Recipient understands and agrees that award funds may not be used for items that are listed on the Controlled <br />Expenditure List at the time of purchase or acquisition, including as the list may be amended from time to time, without <br />explicit written prior approval from BJA. The Controlled Expenditure List, and instructions on how to request approval <br />for purchase or acquisitions may be accessed here:,pdf <br />OJP FORM 4000/2 (REV. 4-88) <br />