State of California—The Resources Agency Primary#
<br />Page 3 of 3_ Resource Name or # (Assigned by recorder) Dr. Geddes House
<br />*Recorded by Haily Soboleske *Date November 3, 2016 El Continuation ❑ Update
<br />*B10. Significance (continued):
<br />Santa Ana was founded by William Spurgeon in 1869 as a speculative town site on part of the Spanish land grant known as
<br />Rancho Santiago de Santa Ana. The civic and commercial core of the community was centered around the intersection of
<br />Main and Fourth Streets. Stimulated by the arrival of the Santa Fe Railroad and incorporation as a city in 1886, and selection
<br />as the seat of the newly created County of Orange In 1889, the city grew outwards, with residential neighborhoods
<br />developing to the north, south, and east of the city center. Agricultural uses predominated in the outlying areas, with
<br />cultivated fields and orchards dotted with widely scattered farmhouses.
<br />The Dr. Geddes House is located in Fisher Park. The homes of the Jack Fisher Park neighborhood were built following the
<br />overwhelming success architects had in the early 1950's, when building homes using "California Ranch" architectural design
<br />and features. Homes located in our prestigious neighborhood range from 1,500-6,000 sgft, with lot sizes from 6,500-25,000
<br />sqft. Properties within this neighborhood boast some of the largest residential land use in any of the incorproated cities within
<br />Orange County and Southern California. Giving true meaning to the phrase, "Sprawling California Ranch" style homes.Jack
<br />Fisher Park was named after a local highly decorated World War I hero.
<br />The Dr. Geddes House qualifies for listing in the Santa Ana Register of Historical Properties as "Contributive". Additionally,
<br />the house has been categorized as "Contributive" because It "contributes to the overall character and history" of Santa Ana,
<br />and, as an Intact example of the Ranch House style in the Fisher Park neighborhood, "is a good example of period
<br />architecture." Character -defining exterior features of the Dr. Geddes House that should be preserved include, but may not be
<br />limited to, materials and finishes (board -and -batten siding); roof configuration and detailing; original windows and doors
<br />where extant; and architectural details such as the decorative shutters and Palos Verdes stone detailing.
<br />B12. References (continued):
<br />Armor, Samuel. History of Orange County. Los Angeles: History Record Company, 1921.
<br />Cultural Heritage Commission, City of Santa Ana. "Historical Landmarks, Inventory Farm, Bowers Museum, " September 12,
<br />1979. Available at the Santa Ana Public Library History Room.
<br />Harris, Cyril M. American Architecture: An Illustrated Encyclopedia. New York, WW Norton, 1998.
<br />Marsh, Diann. Santa Ana An Illustrated History, Encinitas, Heritage Publishing, 1994,
<br />McAlester, Virginia and Leo. A field Guide to American Houses. New York., Alfred A. Knopf, 1984.
<br />National Register Bulletin 16A. "How to Complete the National Register Registration Form, "Washington DC: National
<br />Register Branch, National Park Service, US Dept. of the interior, 1991.
<br />Office of Historic, Preservation. "Instructions for Recording Historical Resources. " Sacramento: March 1995.
<br />Santa Ana and Orange County Directories, 1932-1954.
<br />Whiffen, Marcus. American Architecture Since 1780. Cambridge: MIT Press, 1969.
<br />"Alison Honer Dies at 84,' The Santa Ana Journal September 21, 1981.
<br />"Builder of Honer Plaza Dios," Orange County Regis er, September 15, 1981.
<br />"History of Floral Park." hrfp://www floral-oa1k.c2m/pQgje2.htmj,
<br />"Dr. Geddes Rites Friday,' Santa Ana Reulster April 4, 1974.
<br />DPR 523L
<br />25B-110
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