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EXHIBIT A <br />Req Requirements: <br />Scope of services: Demlls the work phases to he cempleNA, the [rads to be <br />accomplished and the deliverables to be provided, as incorporated into the Pmlect <br />Sdredule shown on page xx. <br />GETTING IT DONE... <br />Experience—design and construction, communication reliability, and proven legacy &vision. <br />Design and Management Approach <br />Our design approach engages the Owner at each step of the design and documentation <br />process. It is an active and iterative process of exchanging ideas, concepts, and trends across <br />the team, crafting the uniquevision appropriate onlytoSAZ. We uti I ize face to face workshops, <br />web -based conference calls, meeting summaries and follow-up, and targeted document <br />reviews to realize the vision throughout Planning and Concept phases. During Schematic <br />Design our interactive workshops provide the opportunity to engage all stakeholders in the <br />vision development. Ourworkshop process continues through Design Development and the <br />Construction Documentation phase to ensure that all project details and systems are aligned <br />with the original vision. During construction, we anticipate weekly web -based meetings and <br />on-site visits averaging every four weeks. CLR will play a continuous role during the entire <br />project, and will have an in-house and local team that will be readily available to answer any <br />and all Owner questions. <br />The CLR Team will provide Full Design Services including Architecture, Landscape <br />Architecture, Exhibit Design, Caging Design, and Engineering Services. Appropriate <br />drawings, plans, sections, elevations, details, specifications, and narratives will be prepared <br />to illustrate and define each phase of work, including: <br />Task 1 Pre -Design &Task 2 Concept Design <br />Task 3 Design Development <br />Task 4 Construction Documentation <br />Task 5.1 Bidding & Permitting <br />Task 5.2 Construction Administration <br />Task 5.3 Project Closeout <br />WORKSHOPS <br />Our workshop format is designed to be Flexible, but allow plenty of time for general review <br />and discussion. We want to achieve a balance between meeting with the Owner team <br />to assess options, and having the time to make immediate adjustments to program and <br />concept ideas for another review with the design team. Each workshop is documented by a <br />report summarizing the proceedings as a baseline for the next steps. This will be critical to <br />creating a retrievable record of the evolution of the design and construction process so that <br />each stakeholder and design team member is fully engaged. <br />The design team has had considerable success with an open and highly interactive workshop <br />approach to planning, designing, and decision making. We explore and incorporate the <br />points of view, observations, recommendations, and expectations of the key SAZ people <br />involved in the project's development. We have found that this approach not only gives the <br />client maximum input and control of the final product, but also forges an active constituency <br />for the project. These active workshops enable us to test ideas quickly to see if they are <br />valid or not. The result is a product tailored to the client's needs that is thorough, creative, <br />achievable, and maintainable following implementation. <br />Workshop Facilitation <br />Design Workshop at CLR's Office <br />CLR I AUGUST 22, 2016 25J-16 SANTA ANA ZOO I GIANT RIVER OTTER PROJECT 21 <br />