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CUP No. 2016-36 and VA No. 2016-07 <br />November 28, 2016 <br />Page 4 <br />viable location to operate a business and will revitalize vacant and underutilized parcels of land. Of <br />the two project parcels, one has been vacant for over 15 years, with the other parcel containing a <br />vacant building. Development of this site will identify this area of the City as an opportunity area for <br />investment. Fourth, the proposed project will be in compliance with all applicable regulations and <br />provisions of Chapter 41 of the Santa Ana Municipal Code, with the exception of front yard setbacks <br />and building height, which the applicant is requesting a variance to obtain relief from these <br />standards. All other provisions of the Code will be complied with, such as landscaping, trash <br />enclosure, handicap path of travel and lighting will be provided to bring the site into compliance with <br />code. Finally, the proposed use will not adversely affect the General Plan. Land Use Element <br />Policy 2.2 supports commercial land uses in adequate amounts to accommodate the City's needs <br />for goods and services. Land Use Element Policy 2.8 promotes rehabilitation of commercial <br />properties, and encourages increased levels of capital investment. Urban Design Element Policy <br />1.5 encourages enhanced architectural forms, textures, colors and materials are expected in the <br />design of all projects. The proposed automatic car wash will be consistent with each of these <br />General Plan policies. <br />Setback and Building Height Variances <br />Santa Ana Municipal Code (SAMC) Section 41-380 requires a 15 -foot front yard landscaped <br />setback for all properties in the General Commercial (C-2) zoning district. The applicant is <br />requesting approval of a variance to reduce the required setback along Westminster Avenue from <br />15 feet to 10 feet. In addition, SAMC Section 41-382 limits commercial structures to 15 feet in <br />height if located within 20 feet of residentially zoned or used property. As proposed, the building will <br />be 12 feet in height adjacent to the mobile home park and 31 feet in height at its highest point when <br />10 feet away from the residences. Although the building will contain a step back, it will still exceed <br />the maximum allowable height. As a result, a variance from the height standard is required. <br />Through the variance process, the SAMC provides for the ability to vary from the development <br />standards contained in the code where there is a condition unique to size, shape, topography, <br />location or surroundings of the site. In this case, there are special circumstances of the subject site <br />that would warrant a variance from the current development standards. The following outlines the <br />unique challenge of this particular parcel of land that warrants approval of a reduction in the <br />landscaped setback and building height standards. <br />The project site is located on a corner lot fronting both Newhope Street and Westminster Avenue, <br />major arterial streets as defined by the Circulation Element of the General Plan. Since the site <br />fronts two arterial streets, a minimum setback of 15 feet is required on both frontages, which <br />impacts the allowable footprint of the buildings. Second, the site is rectangular in shape, with the <br />depth of the lot less than half of the lots width. Due to the linear shape of the lot, it is difficult, if not <br />infeasible, to increase the size of the lot. There are limited options to increase the size of the lot to <br />accommodate the car wash use without affecting neighboring properties due to the development <br />pattern and built out environment surrounding the subject site. Third, a dedication of eight feet is <br />31A-6 <br />